

I'm the type who blocks or unfriends trump supporters on FB. Debate is exhausting and unproductive.

Yeah, yeah, yeah; it's super easy to throw Tina Fey under the bus, but she does have a point. If most people are like me, then going to a counter-protest is going to suck you into actual violence. So what does one do?

Grilled cheese: so easy to make yourself, but tastes better at a diner

In truth, I am half serious. I live in NYC, and if there really is a rally here idk what I should do. If I go, I know I will end up trying to gauge a nazi's eye out or bite their ear off.

Grilled cheese

Stay home, watch the news in tears while eating cake?

But isn't she saying "stay home" because Charlottesville ended in violence with one dead? Like what's the solution then? Show up, brawl with Nazis; maybe get shot?

But when an asshole is running their mouth isn't it best to tune them out?

I'm Jewish, so I do not. If you live with a Nazi, murder them in their sleep.


So are we supposed to try to beat the fucking shit out of Nazis or stay home? It's one or the other

I wonder how Lindsey will accidentally convince Steve Agee to quit his job this season. I mean it's gotta be her turn, right?

I highly doubt anyone was on the fence about Trump, then saw Fallon muss his hair and decided to vote for him.

It's kinda funny how the 11:30 CBS show and the NBC 12:30 show make for great companion pieces; while the 11:30 NBC show and 12:30 CBS show match up together too.

What about Man in the High Castle?

I miss Community

let them test the effectiveness of discount bullet proof vests

You think the people in that video can be won over with love, compassion and understanding?

I mean only if they're led onto a rocket ship aimed for the sun. I wouldn't want these bags of shit fighting in our military. However, locking them up in Guantanamo forever to rot to death, to quote Shirley Bennett….that's nice