
Here's a fresh idea; let's send the nazis to Gitmo

I need more MILK

Always wanted to believe he was named after Todd Van Der Werff

French Connection?

Jackie Brown WAS DeNiro's last great performance…until Silver Linings Playbook.

Exactly. Especially all of those late-series moments where Ted made a play for Robin. And the whole finale is about how pretty much right after Ted and Tracey got together Robin divorced Barney and fled the group b/c it was too much for her. Watching it back it becomes crystal clear.

I'm hoping the some of the stand-up specials get moved to hulu (specifically Garafalo & Sasheer Zamata), along with the full SNL archive.

I'm more of a Steve Rhodes guy, but I still like Jefferson D'arcy

Scott Keith uses it a lot

And now Roman Reigns is a bigger Poochie than Nash & Triple H

I thought Frank Grimes was indicative of the TV trope where an outsider comes in and points out everything stupid about the show. Like Todd on Community.

Roman Reigns

Do you think Hank would like Bob's burgers, or question his grilling technique?

Mac: Then why didn't you say anything?

Schwimmer was great on 30 Rock as well

A guest spot on The President Show qualifies as a hollywood opportunity now?

This is really mean to Tony Hale.

Does that mean you hold whatever it was you were watching on TV responsible for you being a dick?

That's literally the same episode. It's called Ginger Kids

Ditto for Aidey Bryant