
Should've been Daniel Bryan instead of Batista

This all started with you trolling me. You're clearly most concerned with the constitutional rights of nazis, go fuck off to a trump rally. You dick

Fuck nazis and fuck you

Nazi sympathizer

Never asked you for a civics lesson, oh-enlightened one. When the rhetoric is that of the nazis, it's pretty damn hard to think logically. And in my week, I've watched the Vice doc, and heard trump condone the nazis with his both sides bullshit. Basically, my main feeling is that nazis are bad, what do you believe

You frame this as if it's a disagreement where either side is valid. One side is the wrongest kind of wrong. I am having emotional reactions b/c I don't know if these shitheads are coming to my city tomorrow, and I'm scared and don't know what to do with myself. I'm trying to work through complicated thoughts and

It's disgusting that they were granted a permit, and that's a big part of the problem—normalizing their bullshit. Which is what you're doing now. I'm sorry that I'm Jewish and gay and take it to heart when I hear these monsters spouting their bile, you dick.

Oh, I'm sorry, actual real-life nazi marches get my emotions up and my blood boiling; it drives me into a rage. I watched the Vice doc, I know these monsters are not peacefully trying to express their beliefs, and won't be reached with reason. Watching those videos enrage me and make me feel reactive. Can your

Oh, so now nazis are "just people with different views than my own" THEY ARE VIOLENT TERRORISTS YOU DICK

Hack? I think you just have an axe to grind with Tina Fey because you're not a fan

Right, because it's easy to simply protest a bunch of monsters. And what happens when they start hitting ppl with tiki torches? You dick

Thank you. It's frustrating because this is such an emotional issue; and everyone on the internet seems to have the answer; an whenever I find a more moderate voice to calm me down…NOPE—here's someone to tell me that's problematic and contributing to the problem, etc. I don't know how to just be, ya know

she took that sandwich down in the 30 Rock ep, Sandwich Day

I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were an expert in counter-protest conduct at nazi rallies. Enlighten me; you dick

Perhaps, but that doesn't solve the matter at hand.

What's so bad about people seeing that comedy bit, and finding comfort in it? Isn't that the point of comedy?

I mean, I've never seen a nazi rally in person, have you? I have no idea how my impulses would fare; you dick

when it comes to nazis? yes

HOW? Thinking about nazis increases my heart-rate. My hands are shaking as I type. If I see them, I will want to kill them

Not joking at all. I see no way of going to one of those things and not wanting to hit a nazi. Whenever I read about them I start seething and get angry, so being there in person could only be 110% worse.