
By no means is the show making fun of the idea of sexual consent. The joke is the idea of a written consent agreement.

The more I think about it, I think by making them "babies" they're specifically not dismissing their opinions. Nobody swoops in and tells them they're wrong, because they aren't really wrong about any of their larger points. Just that they're not all-knowing, and Kimmy doesn't need to follow their set of core-beliefs

But the crew-friends are never made to look un-empowered. Just way too sure of themselves. It's not like anything bad happens to them. Xan is made to be the butt of the joke, but that's her place on the show.

It's a nice reference to Titus' character on 30 Rock

Kimmy was blindly following along with what her Columbia friends were doing because she saw them as being smarter and more sophisticated, and by the end Kimmy recognized that she's an actual adult. Throughout the episode Kimmy was going along with advice that sounded like it was coming out of a handbook. The 3 crew

It's satire

To look at the politics over the humor is to misunderstand Tina Fey. 30 Rock, Kimmy Schmidt, and Great News all take place in a heightened world where most everyone is a caricature. I get very unnerved by the need for an echo-chamber in entertainment from the left. I'm as liberal as it gets, but I still enjoy seeing

But you see how that's self-defeating, right? Some people do not like to label themselves as anything; what's important is their actions and views. Demanding people conform to a label DOES NOT help further your cause one bit.

Why are you picking a fight with someone you seem to agree with?

Why would you talk about your own employees like that?


Hey, you asked

Because it's a great movie. Brad Pitt and Edward Norton give dynamite performances.

I think a Judd Apatow homosexual rom-com would be aces. Perhaps featuring NPH as the lead.

"Matt Walsh" should be forced to change his name. The only Matt Walsh that matters plays Mike McKlintock on Veep

I'm much more partial to the film, not the book.

Love it!

It hasn't affected her directly until right now with her regrets over what they did to Chuck. See, I love complexity, like Kim staying with Jimmy even though she doesn't agree with him. And I never take issue with the writers for having characters make tough/compelling choices. It's the goddamn morons who turn it into

I love those movies b/c they tell great stories, and show that criminals have dimensions, but are still heartless.

That's great advice for when BB comes up