
That attitude hurts everything, and is started to effect my desire to have conversations about TV/movies.

That's kind of how I feel about other people who love Community. I'm the only one who gets the show, ok!

Are normal lefties still allowed to like Fight Club?

I think it's a way around the classic sitcom trope of "don't these people have jobs"

Hopefully we will find out what Aviato even is


I see it as Dev is a millennial who wants "the best." He is a character who will spend 45 minutes looking up taco trucks. If he's gong to be in entertainment, it has to be for something cool or interesting.

Only if you ignore every single thing Kim said about their arrangement.

They're not partners. They are two solo practitioners working out of the same office

Kim's the one who wanted to give up the place and find a smaller office with less overhead last week. Jimmy talked her out of it.

He never exactly stopped being a tool.

Jimmy doesn't get violent in those situations, he hurts people through cons and schemes.

Walter White also wears tighty whiteys

Every week, Dinesh becomes more of a Costanza. I say this as a good thing.

I don't think that last scene with the racist condom jar was "trying to make a point." I think it was just a joke.

People who worship Peppy, or voted for Trump are fucking idiots

He gets Gene fired for a health code violation and starts screaming about the idiot at the copy place

Damn, didn't see that before responding to your other comment. Sorry. But yeah, that's totally how this show is gonna end right? Either Kim tracks Jimmy down or Chuck does.

I really think that Kim is gonna track "Gen" down in Omaha

Jimmy's ad was straight up Mr. Show