
Also, loved Dev and Arnold's hug at the funeral; and the way the camera smoothly moved away from them while keeping them in focus

This episode is so beautiful and moving that, even though I watched it on Tuesday, I got choked up reading this review.

I also love that this show has enough empathy to humanize the subway masturbater

I love that Diana listened to Dev's whole nothing story that concludes with ruining his favorite sneakies before casually telling Dev she was stalked and followed home. As a viewer the tension I felt waiting for her to tell him about it while he's rambling about nothing was tremendous

Dev says offhandedly in the first episode that he's still being paid for a Gogurt commercial he had done years ago

She hits a peanut truck causing an allergic reaction?

when the husband did that, I don't know why, but that is the moment I was confident he's a coke head

only behind the scenes lol

the Dev/Denise pairing might be able to reach the heights of the Tom/Donna pairing

Having revenge sex with another man's wife over line-cutting and ice cream is definitely off the beaten path

Some of Dev's motivation is selfish, and I like that. The only time people are perfect selfless beings with only good intentions is on internet comments

"I really dig the opening credits style with the episode title and full cast."

she sounds like herself when she's gushing over Todd's face

check out her stand up special on Netflix, performed in her living room for an audience of two—her parents!

with a cameo from Keenan stating he doesn't want to hurt his career by participating!

Burress wasn't writing for 30 Rock yet. That was all Tina.

Disagree. Pincess Carolyn is a very interesting character, as she succeeds professionally, but has such blinders on personally. Season 2 ends with her in an interesting place, and I can't wait to see what the dynamics are in S3

especially b/c he was reading a newspaper, and it seemed like this would be the sit-commy moment where Diane gets validated for what she was doing…not on this show

and let's not forgot f'n BOOKMAN from Seinfeld

that's a Joan Rivers bit right?