
What? Eric Cartman is an evil little shit who posted pics of himself in his underpants on the internet and only expected to hear nice things.

Peggy just seems so bored with her life. Remember in the first ep, she pitches going on the lam with Ed and seemed so damn excited about it. Anything to shake-up the status-quo I guess.

I think Ed is slowly becoming a desensitized monster, and I predict Ed/Peggy are the evil old-Lou spoke about seeing in S1

1. I believe it would have to be. The only flashback I recall in S1 was Stavros finding the money in the 80's. And I can't remember any in the film.


call me crazy, but I don't think any child should post underwear pics on the internet regardless of weight

No feelings hurt. Just you made a statement that I thought was about the episode of television, not the review itself. So I made a counter-statement about how I felt the so-called victims in this episode were not victims.

It's ironic that you're upset about a paragraph saying anyone who puts themselves out there online shouldn't be surprised that it may be ridiculed. And then you turned around and ridiculed me, for not immediately understanding what you were talking about.

It's like that Eddie Peppitone joke about how America is headed for mass unemployment and poverty, nobody having access to decent food or housing, but everyone having access to Twitter.

who, Reality? Yeah, he was talking directly to the characters about their hypocritical actions.

Only if you consider known anti-Semite Eric Cartman and an arrogant do-nothing like Randy Marsh victims

I think what they are saying is that in a total safe-space society fools and douchebags like Randy and Cartman get to live shamelessly and beyond reproach

I think everyone is forgetting that it was Cartman getting made fun of, and he's a piece of shit

So you think cost of living is decreasing? 1% douchebag

The world's worst problem is that in a matter of years cost-of-living will be virtually un-affordable for all

In S1 it was that scene where Molly meets an old high-school friend in St. Paul, who tells her about a bad online dating experience

My hope upon all hopes is that Reagan turns out to be an alien. How this actually factors into the narrative, I do not know.

Teti is our beacon of hope in a world where TVD doesn't write for AV Club anymore

I want to see Don Geiss personally respond to Mike Milligan's complaint letter

yeah that's what I assumed they were referencing