
that guy is so hot

I want to live in a world—in the near future—where all the nominees for the Academy Award for Best Picture are all OITNB alumns…so many powerful performances this season

I went 2013 & 2014. It's like being trapped inside a hype-vacuum. There is no substance, it's all just commercial for the next thing and the next thing and the next thing. I got exhausted quickly and went drinkin'!

well, she's kind of a sociopath

I am so unbelievably happy this column is back

"I can't count the reasons I should stay….One by one they all just fade away…"

Please, please, please tell me there will be a World of Flops about Entourage the Movie

I really hope this show fails and disapears quickly

Was it shocking though? I thought the flashbacks were building to Norma not being able to take it anymore; so for me, it was expected.

I have heard that people with severe stuttering problems don't stutter when they sing.

I didn't notice till this season but Litchfield is a Federal prison. Most of the inmates are there for various fraud/money issues.

Females are strong as hell

No mention of Norma having a stuttering problem? I thought that was a huge revelation and solved one of the show's lingering questions.

this is the first we heard of Taystee's AA stories being fake. I'm cool with it, because after her flashback, she really did not seem like the type who gets wasted. Like, not even pot!

The more I think about it, the more I think it's a little bit of both. Flaca is disappointed, but at the same time she now understands how she passed the evil corporate test.

that would maybe be too much of a retread on Miss Claudette's arc from S1

She's got charisma. Something Jason Biggs lacks.

I don't know, she hasn't used her name as a verb yet

Black Cindy is endlessly entertaining and endearing

"this has been one sloppy backseat blowjob of a night"