
We've got the beat!

I like your interpretation as well (I mean it's a lot more hopeful than mine), and I'm glad that this show allows both to be valid

Corporate run prisons are ALWAYS the enemy

Also, in fairness, we picked things up about 2 weeks after S2 ended

I think he had a reaction to the ink. Or that kid was severely depressed, and looking for some kind of "out" to use to kill himself

Mike Birbiglia is pretty great as a villain. He's not actually a "bad guy" per-se, but he's sooooooo full of shit with his corporate speak. I'd love to see Caputo knock him on his ass!

I took it as a moment of sadness for Flaca as well. She thought she the test proved she had the aptitude to do great things, and instead showed her she has the aptitude to do the thing she didn't want to end up doing. MMC is evil!

depends on how bad the jumper was injured I would think. Also, the cops did state "fraud" as one of the things they charged her with

It was, Poussey was piss drunk when she told off Vee and got jumped by Suzanne

hmm, that's a sound argument for OITB to start doing "previously ons"

"The latter ends up being a bit on the rushed side: they rush their way into Poussey being a lazy drunk, which makes the reveal Taystee is destroying her “honey pot” seem a bit sudden."

Yeah, but how long does it take Piper to make a move on Alex? She pretty much forces herself onto her at one point (when Alex was crying)

And the reason Piper called Alexs po was so she would wind up back in Litchfield where Piper can have sex with her. That's sociopathic.

Their entire relationship since they first met has been toxic. Alex seduced Piper to use her as a mule—that's how it started.

it's like that story about shitting or getting off the pot Dante tells in Clerks. Dante is so weak at heart he'd rather shit his pants and sit in it than take action

I like to think they are addressing these plots and getting them out of the way. Logistically, Daya will have to give birth this season-and I'm hoping Bennett drove off into the sunset (or to law school) never to return to Litchfield.

I mean that it would take some level of guts for him to tell Cesar he'll be leaving now, and get out. Staying is the passive weaker response

speaking of, we better get a Boo flashback this season.

further proof of Bennett being a coward?

So, what do we all think happened to the drugs? I have no idea; as I haven't noticed any hints of what may have happened. Maybe Alex and Piper can become the prison drug dealers?