
She also happens to be a great comedic actress, and one of the very few competent characters on the show; but no you're right; who needs her?

Just to be clear; is next week the primary or the actual presidential election?

I can watch Mike demo apps all day

I think that Britta's reunion with her parents was the sincere send-off. She said it herself in that episode, she left home at 17, and maybe never matured past 17. But now, she's hanging out with her parents, and was the only one in the group with non-Greendale employment this season. Stability is a bright-future for

that's what I got from it too

James Franco: now sponsored by McDonald's

Great article!

Dan's got a very boyish cuteness/charm, but Jonah has LEGS!

Yeah that makes the most sense.

Didn't Sydney shit all over Dan last time he came looking for a job? Wonder why the change of heart this time?

Anyone think Karen Collins and Frankie Dart went to preparedness school together?

I'm rooting for them too. They clearly want, and have wanted to, jump each other's bones for some time now. And they're kind of cute together. Like soul-less-soulmates

currently she's Meyer's campaign manager for the presidential campaign

There was a moment a few eps back where Annie said "awww" all by herself. It felt so…wrong

If his MSG special is any indication of where he is creatively right now, this is gonne be Tremendous!

In a better version of 2015, yes, yes they are

SNL is still on

There is so much great comedy out there. Nobody's first stop for great humor should be a late night talk show. The late-night talk show has always been home to softball political humor and celebs shilling. Fallon is a vast improvement over Leno, and Connan still gets to do his thing—not sure what the bellyaching is

well, Smithers never misses an episode

I'm not a fan of Crackle, but have been wanting to watch Seinfeld all the way through for some time now. I remember an article on here about Seinfeld getting shopped around to the streaming sites; did it end with them on Crackle, or have they been there for a while?