
Seinfeld is streaming?

Unless part of the plan is to sabatoge Weird Loners so that Zachary Knighton is available for a Happy Endings reunion!…

I don't mean this as a bad things at all, but that last scene with the baby bird and all of them wearing cat masks and finger wings, kinda felt like something out of Cougar Town. Plus Abed set the whole thing up!

Classic McFarlane would include everyone pointing it out and commenting on the smell

Other than reference humor they don't have that much in common. Community is much more similar to News Radio or Arrested Development

Oh come on, Britta got called into action at 3am after a night of tending bar, and drinking. I think she was a very forgivable hot mess this week. And please, never compare a great character like Britta Perry to a wretched one like Meg Griffin…

Good review! Great episode!

Seriously, no mention of the auto-tune guy from the theme song showing up?

I too am disappointed at the constant harping on Jane Krackowski not being Native American. This is a woman who TWICE donned blackface on 30 Rock, and no one found that offensive. And my bigger question is what happened to AV Club? I thought edgy, not easy to digest comedy was accepted and championed here.

There was that scene in The Gang Gets Analyzed where Frank is shoving shelled pistachios in his mouth, chewing, and spitting the shell fragments all over the therapists table.

TVDW took it too seriously in a loving way—he seemed to think, from the very beginning, that it could be the best TV show ever made (idk if he feels that way, but his writing sure led me on that path). He even had patience for S4 (to an extent)

Definitely not. Dean Winters is Ryan O'Reilly from Oz/Dennis from 30 Rock

Todd VanderWerff is sorely missed here

Those sound like real challenges. I haven't looked at a ton of reviews but people seem to have liked last night's eps, so I hope that Harmon takes solace in that.

Better for it to naturally evolve into a new show than force itself to be old Community. That shit is what killed The Office

Is it b/c of Yahoo's execs, or just the challenges of a 6th season sitcom?

That is SO MUCH worse than Jonathan Banks leaving the show. Guess Neil graduates

Who played the wheelchair bound detective from Shirley's spin-off?

Neil isn't going to be in this season?

me-thinks frisbee-caused roof collapses is a bit more visually interesting