
That first Abed/Frankie scene was amazing. Blew away my expectations!

For those curious VanderWerff did a write up on Vox, and he gave the show 4 out of 5 Vs which I suppose is good!

“I’m onto you Kimmy Schmidt!”

Oh Shit, that too!

ok, THAT'S where I know her from

I'm ready to accept that The Comeback and It's Always Sunny exist in the same universe,. That Paulie G is Bill Ponderosa's pseudonym, and the reason he's in a tux is that he came directly from the Emmy's

Frank: I'm just hanging out with the guys. What could go wrong?

Ron left a high-paying gig in the private sector, works for the federal government and is best man at a gay wedding. There is a good chance a lot of his political preferences have changed

No Ron & Tammy??? Say Whaaaaaaat

I'm excited for finding out why Jimmy doesn't work at Hamlin Hamlin & McGill

I was thinking something like that might happen. Who's to say Walter didn't make a pit-stop in Omaha during his journey from NH to Albuquerque

What did everyone think of the ending with the two random people dumping some old guy in Philly?

People are at work more than they are at home, and when you used to work with all of your friends and now you don't—that's a tough pill.

also, The Camel is one of my favorite Parks eps ever

and the callback of this gem

It's not that odd that Ron felt so lonely despite having a family. He spends most of his day at work, and work used to be filled with friends

I think Tom has lost all credibility with Detlef

Is it improving? I watched all the 2014 eps, and felt like it hit a brick wall creatively. It's aimless and meandering without the absurdity and wit of Happy Endings

I don't recall any shouting matches on Playing House

that's silly. It's a great show. Jessica St. Clair and Lennon Parhem are a great comedy team.