
Cops are cool when they're trolling Alex Jones! Gotta give credit where it's due.

Jones gets the old Seattle Freeze!

I only know of them from "The Office".

People like what they like. I would love another Arcade Fire rock album.

It means they're out of original ideas, I think. To me this album sounds like a Reflektor re-tread.

I was just thinking that while reading these comments. It was a powerful moment for sure!

He's too beleaguered at this current moment.

He wants them all to attend Trump University…and eat Trump Steaks.

Sounds like a reality show on the History Channel.

Those bone spurs must be partially responsible for the current state of his bulbous ass! I can never un-see those tennis pictures!

Was Ivanka a Girl Scout?

It's the dumb, white-trash "Triumph of the Will"!

Yep. Remember that the GOP establishment really doesn't care for Trump, and has only supported him as a means to an end (pushing through their god-awful agenda).

There was probably a good amount of pussy grabbing and towel snapping involved!

Yes! I would love to see Larry take issue with the phrase "Make America Great Again".

Please have an episode where Larry runs into a WASPy Trump supporter!

Insurance Adjuster: "This place Moe's you left just before the accident, is it a business of some kind?"
Homer (internal dialogue): "Don't tell him you were at a bar.
Homer: "It's a pornography store, I was buying pornography."

They will turn on Trump in a New York minute when it becomes politically advantageous for them to do so. They will then claim ignorance, and say the only reason they supported Trump was to keep the GOP intact. They will also try to blame Clinton and Obama somehow.

After Jr's first statement, he was probably locked in a room with a team of lawyers to craft the second one. The phrase "I told her that my dad was a private citizen, and not an elected official" just reeks of something a lawyer would tell you to say. Of course the flip-flop in less than 24 hours will get him

A C-list celebrity trying super-hard to claw her way back to the B-List.