
This. My primary teachers weren’t even able to figure out that maybe giving the only pair of left handed scissors in the class to the only left handed person was a good idea. I dread to think what it would have been like to have been taught cursive with them.

I was in primary to secondary school from 1999-2012 and I was never taught cursive. It would be like being taught the imperial currency system, completely redundant and not neccessary unless your and old snob who feels your somehow better for knowing it.

No, using a plot point from a show watched by a mere faction of the film audience and then make it into something essential to understanding the film is just lazy and hack writing.

You better get it some penicillin and bed rest. We don’t want it to get worse.

No, I’ve completed Metal Gear, not Metal Gear Solid.

Even the X-Box One did it (didn’t do it much help)! It’s the same thing comics did in the 90s to make you buy at release, which given the AAA comics collapsed a few years after that, should be warning signs for the modern AAA gaming industries.

Even Capcom is looking at this and going, “this a bit much isn’t?” And they are the ones who locked away 14 characters on-disk, in a fighting game!

Well congratulations! I’ll get it later on when it’s on sale and all the DLC is just added to the game via a patch and/or a GOTY edition. Pay less, gain more.

How the hell are they even doing the percentages? How do they even know 25% of the audience is pre-ordering. Me thinks I smell BS.

Any word on which stores in the UK will be getting these? Or is it again a case of GAME getting all the pre-order exclusives.

It reminds me of that ugly “study” back in 2004 that tried to disprove that male bisexuality wasn’t real. If you skewer and twist fact and logic, you can pretty much try to make anything appeal to your bigoted thoughts.

I’m not referring to MGS2, but MG2:SS.

So this character in V isn’t Snake, he’s Big Boss? Are they father and son because I never would of guessed they were different people.

Isn’t that a bad thing though? I’m not trying to be funny, I’ve only played the first Metal Gear and currently playing through the second so I don’t know what they are like, but that seems like a bad thing.

Seems a bit unfair to skip out Mear Gear 2: Solid Snake completely out of the list. I’m playing it because I found the original (which I played for a megareview) so fun and even if it doesn’t have the same graphics and cutscenes as later ones, they still have great stories and gameplay that still holds up incredibly

This or Street Fighter V for my birthday? Sorry to say I’m going with SFV though only because I’m having so much fun with the Beta and brand loyalty.

Strangely enough, in a latter book called One Moment In Time , which shows what exactly changed in the timeline for the two not to get married, we get an exteneded scene with Mary Jane bargaining with Mephisto when Peter was away with ghostly Aunt May. The bargain she made was if in very small chance that Peter

If it’s their own private property, they should be able to decorate in any bloody way they like. They aren’t breaking any laws and yes, Dinosaurs are cool.

Disney, I don’t ask for much but can you please retcon Dark Disciple and Star Wars: Darth Maul—Son of Dathomir? Not only are they bad and poorly written (seriously, how did DD screw up Asajj so much?).

The Man of Steel one is wrong, I think trying to terraform the planet and wrecking most of the pacific ocean and Metropolis is a lot more damgage then whatever Superman did.