
Just wait for the day Big Johnson comes back

What a shit show 2018 is, and I know the Browns winning one game isn’t much, but I dig it, and it made me happy, and that’s what we want from sports.

Not that anyone here actually cares but it pisses me tf off that Kaep is still being blackballed by the league. Still gonna watch the games but how many teams would legit be straight upgrading with Kaep in the pocket? Whatever. Still got a excuse to drink craft brews on Sunday which is cool and at least Kaep’s banking

I’m biased, but I agree about the Legacy GT wagon. Still rocking my bone-stock 2006 5-speed w/ 110k miles. I continually get the New Car Itch but can’t find anything else with the same versatility/reliability/value/fun.
It’s not perfect: guzzles gas, could use a 6th gear, old infotainment, and the turbo design is

If the Golf Alltrack is a wagon, then so is this (and I refuse to call my XC70 a crossover, so it’s also a wagon):

Let’s split the difference and finally do what should have been long ago, and book Weird Al for the halftime show.

Dude, you created a profile today to post this (and one other “your team sucks” comment). You’re my new favorite.

I need this kind of tough love in my life.

“You are the biggest idiot on this thread.”

Rarely does one see a sentence that by its very posting immediately defeats its premise.

They’re on top of the world and are in control of the whole game, but can’t stop playing the victim card and whining like pathetic losers about how much everyone is out to get them. It’s not only annoying, it’s completely counterproductive, as they’re going to wake up soon on the bottom of the world, with no one to

Creating a rule that’s never needed but closes a fun loophole is basically the mission statement of the NCAA.

That third down play was actually a performance art piece entitled Ennui

Yeah, watching last night, his pocket presence was sorely lacking.

You don’t waste a #2 pick on a project. That was my issue from day 1. We could have addressed other areas by trading that pick for quantity and got someone more NFL-ready in this past draft (Darnold?) that would have been better.

He was drafted as a project

He also had that scramble where he ran outside his blocker instead of inside and instead of getting the first down he lost yardage. That’s just basic football recognition that he failed miserably on last night.

There are lots of excuses - he didn’t start a lot in college. He had nothing to work with around him or in terms of coaching last year. All the players and coaches around him are new now.

Gotta disagree, having watched them these past two weeks (wtf, primetime scheduling?) Trubisky is the architect of too many 3 and outs. Even a stellar defense has no business being on the field so much. He looks really scared out there. The Bears could definitely get into the playoffs if they were in the AFC, but the

But he loves missing TD’s.