
Fuck off. The NFL has no guaranteed contracts and as a result players get fucked weekly. If he wants to walk,  good for him. 

I apologize in advance for any profanity I’m going to employ on this post. F*ck this decision. I don’t think it was even close like the first fight. You can’t be sane and think GGG won less than 8 rounds. He dominated the end of the fight and it sure as h*ll looked like Canelo knew that and tried to catch up at the

I’ll be that guy. I thought this fight was way more in GGG’s favor than the first one was. Canelo was out on his feet for the last six rounds of this fight, and GGG probably won at least half of the first six rounds of the fight.

Unfortunately, there is a huge portion of the voting population that are functioning idiots. They are very easily swayed by people like Trump. They are convinced “The Mexicans” are the reason they don’t have a job, not the 1% billionaires who run Corporate America. They have been taught for years to fear minorities

Trump's most amazing power is convincing all those people living basically on the poverty line (if not well below) that they're just like him and every time he does something that fucks over the entire country (trade wars, rolling back environmental regs, etc.), it's a good thing because he's "triggering the libs."

And this thoughtless, vile cruelty is a big part of his brand and why a large portion of this nation likes him.


Heavily armed citizenry is the real mistake.

Fellow Bears fan, huh? I am still angry.

Can’t fucking have a nice thing once in my life.

The good thing about Packers fans is that you only have to listen to their gloating for an average of 45 years before the cheese finally does them in and their hearts explode.  

Nathan Peterman: Starting QB, despite his most recent appearance including 5 picks in a half.
Colin Kaepernick: still not even a backup QB in the NFL.

Yeah, he overdid it a bit.  All I can ask for (38-7) is that he keeps the same enthusiasm (38-7) for when his Vikings (38-7) come up shortly (38-7).

My brain has apparently not caught up to the reality that is life post-2016 election because I was so sure that the last writer must have read some Onion piece or something and thought it was true. Nope. Happened last year. Here’s a link for anyone who needs to see for themselves.


Ryan (the guy from the video) here.

That would easily be Magary’s line of the year, if he hadn’t previously come up with “Vikings fans travel about as well as Buddy Holly.”

Like Tom Cruise, Russell Wilson is only interesting when he’s running for his life.

If it’s shaking or vibrating, you’re beating on the bottom end bearings. Beyond that, it’s all good so long as the transmission isn’t loose enough to chatter, and you’d hear/feel that too.

Now playing

Almost agreed with you, but that would mean no more Makh