
I just want to thank Deadspin and Jezebel for giving this the frontline attention it needs and deserves. Other outlets are giving it so little attention relative to its importance it is very disheartening.  I listen to the radio in the morning on the way to work and you would have little idea this was happening if

I can’t tell you what it is. But I can tell you what it isn’t. It isn’t one of them new fangled loaves, that’s for damn sure.

Everyone take cover, there is a Mustang loose in the thread!

(ahem) DeadspInterview.

gOd tHaT lOoKs HoRriBLle fRoM tHaT ANglE.

You’re basically describing stocks here.

Trump didn’t realize the biggest problem with building the wall was that the illegal aliens could just levitate over it.

it is indeed

After what the Bears did in the draft I consciously decided not to watch any NFL games.

Well, if you’re still into sports that have frivolous rules made up on the spot, but without the hypocritical owners and the disregard for player safety, I think I know the solution.

I pretty much lost interest in pro football this year. I no longer set my Sundays (or Monday nights or Thursday nights) by it. It’s too much - oversaturation of games, the laughable system of fines/punishments which seem to be made up on the fly, and the hypocrisy of the owners/commissioner talking about player safety

Revenge is a dish best served Gould.

There should be a training course for people who post ads on what “manual transmission” means.

Turkeys very well known for chasing children yet dumb Obama pardons one every year. Is weak on turkeys, many fowls laughing at us. I will be strong. Butterball stocks up!

On nationalism and commerce:

I actually have a brand-new MacBook Pro (but about the cheapest one I could find - 13" w/o the gimmicky touchbar) and like lots of cheaper Macs, they tend to skimp on GPUs; they’re often integrated, not discrete. The reasoning seems to be they’re prioritizing efficiency over fantastic graphics performance - not to

Choke the Raven nevermore.

Can you just imagine the absurd cavalcade of strokes the Cheeseheads would have if they signed Kap?