TheBloody, Oppositelock lives on in our shitposts.

Why wrap it? Owner could have waited a year or two and it would have looked like that on it’s own. 

I feel like the fan has eaten enough shit at that point. 

Everything past NYC is upstate. 

Holy fuck, that is whiter than a blizzard in Siberia... I actually died a little on the inside from watching that. 

No, don’t bring it back! We finally banished it and now he wants to bring it back!?

Everyone who has ever loved him is wrong. 

I had a voice mail in Chinese from a spam caller yesterday, pretty sure someone in china is testing the US phone system.

Tata needs to use this brouhaha to start building a Series 1 80" and sell it as a SxS. It would be perfect, “Seeing as Jeep are a bunch of joyless bastards, ENJOY!”

Well, seeing as Whilly’s overland allowed Mahindra to build CJ7's under license 70 years ago and that agreement didn’t have a sell by date. Yes, this is fine. Weather that agreement covered selling CJ7's built under license in the US is another story. 

What’s the over under that he tries to counter sue for some ridiculous reason?

Alright Kenny, how about you calm down there. 

Look, dealing with Staten Island in the summer is enough so don't you go throwing around the idea of making us deal with them for the rest of the year okay?

“The fact that this letter is circulating today on social media seems to me like a clumsy attempt to take the attention away from the principal problem that is, Santino’s and his father’s behavior on and outside the track in these last weekend races,” Salvadori said.

Poor management choices ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Nah, it’s because certain Oppos were using Oppositelock to get press credentials to drive days which in turn was reflecting poorly on Jalopnik and hence the split. 

But, my toast...

A duck is just a chicken that swims, change my mind.

Lighten up Francis.