TheBloody, Oppositelock lives on in our shitposts.

When we moved from South Africa to the US my dad said that the first thing going into the container was his Series IIa Land Rover and what ever didn’t fit after that would stay on the docks. My mom was pretty sure that he wasn’t kidding...

I for one can’t wait for NexusMods Tesla page.

COTD, savage af.

“I hate The Breakfast Club. I can’t stand any of those fuckers.”

Your browsing history determines what ads you see, so what websites have YOU been visiting that would cause condom ads to show up, hmmmmmm?  

it’s just a bit of banter m8 just taking the piss

I take it that they don’t sell parabolic springs for it? Makes the ride a whole lot better, it’s pretty much night and day difference in Series Land Rover.

Okay so you hate whiskey, but have you tried whisky though? That stuff is pretty damn good.

This doggo needs a helmet, for safety reasons... and the fact doggo’s look awesome wearing doggo helmets.

Guy at the parts counter at Pep Boys sold me air hoses when I asked him to get me injector fuel hoses. Fast forward a week later and I’m driving down I95 when all of a sudden I get a whiff of diesel fuel, “ZOMG WTF!!”. Pull over to the shoulder - all while hoping to god the diesel I was smelling wouldn’t hit it’s

Curiously enough, the only thing that went through the mind of the BMW as it fell was “Oh no, not again”.

I’d agree with you, but then we’d both be wrong.

I kind of expected better from Jalopnik, this reads like something from Jezebel.

Bad champagne: headache and bad decisions

Mine spent the last 30 years sitting in a garage in Colorado, the chassis is in surprisingly great condition. I have to pull the body off, repaint the chassis, the bulkhead and put the 2.25 diesel back together with the brand new crank and piston rings that came with it.

Right now my ‘69 Series IIa 109 is covered in construction materials for the kitchen, it’s been sitting for almost a year now and it’s really bumming me out. I’ve set myself a hard date of March next year to get it done and dammit I intend to stick with that.



Now playing

Also watched the video, holy shit; what a fucking toolbag.