TheBloody, Oppositelock lives on in our shitposts.

Ugh, isn’t that the guy that drives that obnoxiously yellow Hummer though?

Sign up for HBO Now before Sunday as HBO Go will more than likely shit the bed. When I say more than likely, I mean it. will. shit. the. bed and you’ll be left trying to sign up along with millions of other users and that will ultimatly look like this:

People who think they’re above the rules of my car.

If you’re flying Delta to Boston I’ll agree with that, for some reason Delta ALWAY’s delays their Boston shuttle flight by an hour or so.

Not surprised Philly is on the list, I’m sure you could smuggle a bomb onto every plan and their security would probably miss every single one.

Interesting points, how does the .270 handle brush and woods? Any noticeable change in trajectory from firing from within thickets? I was looking at more the weight of the round being able to pass through woods due to the areas I'd hunt in would be less open fields and more wooded areas.

Nothing like taking an idea that works and just totally copying it poorly.

And technically factory standard so you don't have to worry about insurance giving you crap over vehicle modifications.

What happens when you get a flat though?

Simpsons did it!

I won't defend what he did, but I will call you a judgmental asshole though. Glass houses and all that...

Whelp that sucks... Sigh.

CP, for that price I can get two V6 Mustang's...

Clearly his car wasn't "Grounded to the ground" like the all new Nürburgring Corolla...

Andrew, you know why...

Looks like Ivan has been swilling too much bathtub vodka again... go home Ivan, you're drunk.

What's next? Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria?

Does it leak oil? Does it have a weird smell you can't place? No? That will never be cooler than a REAL defender.

You're only 26? TIL.