TheBloody, Oppositelock lives on in our shitposts.

If you decide to turn it into a trail rig I'm pretty sure you could work something out with Luck8 to write articles about turning it into a trail rig and get most of the parts and labour at discount/free rates.

You should take it to Winter Romp, you'd blow everyone's minds and probably never be given another Land Rover to test but it would be awesome to read about!

To be fair Uly, this shop is close to the NJ pine barrens so it was probably some inbred Piney. They're not the sharpest tools in the shed. Think panhandle Floridian.

Honestly I want to see how it fairs off road and I mean blue or black trails off road, not greens.

When some one replies to you, you come out of the gray. You have to be followed by Jalopnik to come out of the gray.

You need commenting rights in order to get out of the grey.

"Why do we even need highways, I just fly around in my private helicopter. "

I'm interested to see what the new "Defender" is going to be like. My biggest fear is that it will be more recreational and less utility.

Those banks are now CVS's, Penn station is a shit hole and they hang pictures of the old Penn station as if to mock you.

Yeah, I think the number is bullshit. HOWEVER, even at 625-650bhp I think it's a good price.



Something something check your privilege, something something Jezebel Über Alles!

I see this all the time on Brigantine beach, bro dudes in their "bad ass" bro trucks getting stuck just trying to get into the beech let alone just driving around on it.

Whelp, that did it.

First off, thanks for your service. Second, have you ever been to Trenton, NJ? Place is a shit hole so I find it ironic that the USS Trenton is also considered Ghetto.

Pretty much all the car manufacturers have their marketing departments located in or around Detroit so Detroit still has quite a bit to do with the auto industry. Try this experiment next time you go to an auto show, wear a Red Wings jersey/hoodie/shirt and you'll be surprised at how positive a reaction you get.

"Now cracks a noble heart. Good night sweet prince."

Man do I know this pain. Le sigh.

I could probably organize Gill a classic Land Rover, but I doubt his wife would like her dress being covered in oil. Also he always struck me as a MG or Austin type of guy anyway.