TheBloody, Oppositelock lives on in our shitposts.

So many series trucks, so much want. Wait, I have a series truck. Screw it, I NEED MOAR!!!!

No way Bro! It needs 5ft clearance and lockers bro! EXTREME!

Breaking news 09/13/14:

If it happens to be the one in Willow Grove, STAY AWAY! They're terrible, horrible human beings and super shady to boot. They tried to charge me $180 to "replace" both the front running lights on my Disco when in fact it was only a fuse. When I called them on their bullshit the tech said "oh, huh could have sworn the

Well I'm sure if you ask both of them nicely... Also would make an awesome youtube video.

*$12,332 FIFY.

Specifically Tijuana, Mexico.

This looks promising, I still think if they'd put more effort into the X-Type it would have been a legit 3 series/A4 contender.

It's so good, it's bad.

I read "accidental blowjob" and thought there would be a humorous story about a donkey show gone awry. Was disappointed...

They do and they're easily modified as well which is nice, just don't expect it to be a work truck.

They would be nice to have, but Wranglers are weekend toys not work trucks like Defenders are.

If he's looking at the 110, he's probably also looking at the Wrangler unlimited which has a longer wheel base (its 118 I believe), it also has a lower angle of approach/departure is wider, has a lower roll over angle, less interior cargo room and less towing capacity. The only thing the Wrangler has is optional

In about 15 years from now I'll be sinking one of these things in a mud hole with a big shit eating grin on my face.

Steering isn't that bad, but when you have the lockers engaged it gets stupid heavy so that's why we're throwing in the power steering. My dad is 73 so the power steering is more of future proofing measure.

Heh, did I forget to mention the power steering pump is still attached? ;) I'm not to worried about them, the way I see it my dad and I are just making a tool more user friendly.

My dad made up a template that you can bolt a D1 axle to and weld the new bump stops and shock mounts on so it's actually pretty easy, we also have an Ashcroft R380 box and a 300Tdi waiting in the wings to install in the 88. We're going for a true all Land Rover resto-mod IIA. Going to piss the purists off to no end

Why not both? My dad and I did a conversion on a IIa and put D1 axles with parabolic springs in. Still as uncomfortable as hell but it stops on a dime, oh and ARB lockers fit right in.

Can't be any worse than a D1 with jump seats in the back. Seems like it has slightly bigger interior than the D1.

Could not have said it better myself, he explains it so succinctly.