TheBloody, Oppositelock lives on in our shitposts.

So close... dam meeting. Congrats everyone!

You get a Crown Vic, he gets a Crown Vic, EVERYONE GETS A CROWN VIC!

So what you are saying is that there are a ton of low milage interceptor Crown Vics just sitting there? I feel it's my civic duty to help ease the taxpayers burden.

Yes, helps keep the malaria away.

[Useless, radically fueled rant about news organisation leaning a certain way]

hence my trepidation, that's around the time I'd be driving them.

Don't know how I'd feel wading with this thing. Colour me skeptical for now.

H0w did I not know of this site!?! There goes my afternoon.

Nah, just fill a tyre full of gasoline put it around his neck and set it on fire. It's called "necklacing"

Max Hoffman is spinning in his grave right now, you could probably wrap some copper coils around him and power a small city. CP.

Results like this are more evidence in my theory that Elon Musk might just be a supervillain. He's a billionaire. He has his own space program. He's built a nearly invincible car. My only guess is that the car will be used to transport a legion of some sort of electric warrior to conquer the Earth, or possibly just

That car is seriously hot. I mean like really, really hot. Fire...

Neutral: Bad thing, unless they make the technology plug and play then your car will eventually become un-drivable due to you no longer able to replace any of the electronics when they break.

Now playing

Not the lowest but as someone already posted the Argentinean pilot, but definitely cool.

I like this one:

Affected automakers include GM, Nissan, Toyota, Ford, BMW, Volkswagen and Daimler. It could cost the industry as much as $69.1 million a day by reducing vehicle output by 3,000 vehicles.


They paid the ultimate sacrifice for their country, I think we owe them the effort.

That is even a question? Outrageous! Pebble Beach has really been going down hill since they started letting in those nouveau riche types.

All I know is that there is some poor bastard who'll never see his beloved Defender again. Be it this guy of some other poor bastard if it was stolen. Either way I'm pouring out a beer for a fallen Landie... So sad, I'd have given it a good home. I'd even spend the money to make it US DOT certified.