
Familiarize yourself with the term “farkle.” 

Alaska in the winter. Beautiful vistas when the sun is up and dangerous roads loaded with moose. Gotta be on your game because the stakes are high. Slide off in the wrong place with no traffic and you might freeze to death without a PRB. Summer, on the other hand, sucks. Endless lines of RVs gawking down the road, way

Have you been over there since the fire? It’s awful. Ruined parts of the gorge. Parts of that photo aren’t green anymore. 

Regrouping at a speedway in Idaho? There’s only one that I know of and it’s down the street from where noted insurrectionist Ammon Bundy has his “ranch.” He’s probably over there every night inciting the idiots. 

I would have bought one of these years ago if the stick version came with AWD. Rally car! My experience with Nissan CVTs is like they replaced the accelerator with a bowl of Jello. I ND’d this just because it seemed a bit over-priced for that many miles.

I owned two XJs over two decades. But I would buy a Bronco Sport. I’ve been in them offroad and they ride much better than an XJ and would go down most any USFS road. I wouldn’t take one around the White Rim which I’ve done in an XJ, but the Baby Bronco is perfectly good for what 95% of people will do with it. 

There are a few Federal laws he may have violated, some felonies. Damaging Govt Property over $1000 (cleanup fees and response), Clean Water Act if any fluids got in water, RCRA if any oil or battery wreckage remained. 

Correctly fact-checked. I guess it’s eastern Idaho that has more LDS per capita, than Utah. Pocatello, Blackfoot and Idaho Falls.

Exactly. This comment should be getting way more stars. Subwoofer=hooned to the moon and back by some youngster. One that’s going to be tormented for life by tinnitus starting at around age 40. But for that subwoofer I probably would have voted NP, because that’s what they are going for around here. 

What is the functional equivalent of a head gasket in an EV? And has Subaru gone out of its way to install extra ones so their mechanics will be able to put their kids through college. Not that I’d trust my local Subaru mechanics, they didn’t even notice the air bag warning light was on after they installed a new bag

If Abbott is truly concerned about truck safety and not just interested in continuing his stunt-politician career pandering to the ruralati he could have ordered the state police to stop the trucks after they unload anywhere in the state. 

Boise, Idaho reportedly banned alcohol on the bike bars. There were complaints of drunk and disorderly conduct. Which is the whole point of bike bars. Fun fact, Idaho has more Mormons per capita than Utah. 

At that price I’d drive it til it grenaded and have it towed off to the pick a part yard. If I got two years out of it, winner! I had a 98' Ranger and it was one of my favorite vehicles of all time. Surprisingly good in the snow with some weight in the bed. 

The first time I ran into a squadron of javelinas on a trail I was like WTF... Then some research. You don’t want to be around them when they have babies and you especially don’t want to be near them with a dog, because in AZ their only known predator is a coyote and javelinas don’t make distinctions between canid

There’s a link. It goes to a $1600 Samsung commercial display TV. Not spending that. But I do want a 65" dumb TV if possible. The link above to put up by “Spengler” seems like the way to go for me (65" dumb TV $699). Or just never connect the TV to the internet. Or stick with my current 55" dumb Samsung

I’ve been told the lead flight attendant makes the call at the beginning of the flight whether to enforce the mask mandate. It’s a simple math calculation. Are there more anti-maskers onboard than devout maskers? That is easy to calculate depending on where the flight is coming from or going. The anti-maskers have

I have the first 10mm socket I bought in 1975 to work on a Bultaco trials motorcycle. Made by the Thorsen Tool company, still in business, you can barely make out the “10" on the side of the socket now. It has touched bolts on every brand of Japanese motorcycle, a BMW, several Japanese cars, and one obscure Land Rover.

I doubt even a grand jury or a white collar criminal task force could find enough smoking guns to prove BaT itself is a money laundering scheme. Seriously, the founders sent each other emails, hey here’s a great idea to launder money! 18 United States Code, Sec. 1956 violations are very difficult to prove. You would

T7 was the first thing that came to my mind. KLR650, now that it has EFI, is a good choice, although a little chubby. I’ve seen non-ABS models listed locally at $6399. There’s a million aftermarket farkles to spend money on too. 

You have a 5th Amendment right to silence and a 6th Amendment right to a lawyer. Don’t talk. You have two hands. Put up 4 fingers and a thumb (full hand) then put up one more finger (not the middle one if you know what’s good for you). Stands for “I’m taking my 5 and 6.”