
She will likely do all her time in administration segregation. Alone. But her mistake of fact defense isn’t a defense under the facts. It’s simple.

Takes too long. Too many stops. A cab is much faster from SEATAC to downtown and you get exactly where you are going. Portland’s airport to downtown, on the other hand, has fewer stops and you end up right downtown, not in some subterranean cavern you have to fight your way out of onto the surface level. Then trudge

DC Metro is pretty good when it isn’t broken which it always is. Toronto is probably the best in North America. Seattle’s airport to downtown train is a joke. Did that precisely one time. Portland’s system is probably still pretty good except for the part about the entirety of Multnomah County becoming a graffiti-marre

Montana has way more hate groups than Idaho according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. Idaho, on the other hand, has no labor union strongholds like Butte and Anaconda, Montana. Bozeman is where the current governor of Montana (Gianforte) got in a fight with a reporter. He was convicted of assault. Gianforte has

The DC Circuit Court of Appeals is the most respected federal appellate court in the country because that is where all the difficult decisions are made regarding Federal Agency actions like their administrative rule making authority. The Senate confirmed her appointment to the DC Circuit Court of Appeals by a 53-44

I got stuck on the wrong side of a river in Alaska after the sun came out and the glacial meltwater doubled the flow in the river in a few hours. 

I got stuck on the wrong side of a river in Alaska after the sun came out and the glacial meltwater doubled the flow in the river in a few hours. I remembered an old trick. Put a tarp over the front end of the vehicle. It will keep out the water if you plow ahead, just don’t stop. Range Rover had water over the hood,

I flew from Antivaxxistan to Alaska two weeks ago through Seattle. Before takeoff the pilot said one hour to SEA. Wheels up to wheels down was 1.5 hours. How in the fuck do you get it wrong by that big of a margin? And BTW first class on AK Air is now less comfortable than economy plus was two years ago. It’s like

In the 1960s I went to a Massachusetts garage with my father to get our station wagon inspected. The car failed. My father was muttering under his breath as we drove off. He had literally grown up in a mechanic’s shop, been in charge of truck fleets in WWII and was at the time in charge of fleet maintenance for a

Radwood beckons me

I’d stay away from anything with regenerative braking. That crap makes me instantly nauseous. I think it’s the unexpected slowing inconsistent with regular braking. Maybe I could get used to it, but it’s like driving with a friend who is a terrible driver and speeds up in traffic and brakes too often. 

A VERY warm sleeping bag of the -30 variety. 

TLDR; straight to ND from lede that says 235K. No dice week almost over. 

There was a blogger on here that was a big fan of XJs, but we are forbidden to speak his name ever again. 

I’ve tried to tell my neighbor that a Ram Promaster Van and a pair of Maxtrax would be just fine for everywhere they want to go. They know nothing about 4 wheeling and keep insisting they need a 4x4 Sprinter. A Sprinter can’t even get around the relatively tame White Rim. I’m still mystified about what is wrong with a

I guess this is an indication Emslie has one foot out the door along with DT and Torch. And with that Jalopnik will come to an end for me. 

Exactly. I got perma-greyed on Earther. Thirty five years in the industry. I know more than all their writers put together about environmental issues, but they didn’t want to be contradicted. Kinja is dying on the vine. If Emslie leaves, it’s truly over. I like Streeter, but GMG confining her talent to listicles is a

There’s a bike tool specific online store in Ashland, Oregon you should acquaint yourself with. They make a special saw to reach down inside the post after you cut off the top. You hack the post in half, it comes out in pieces. Before going the NaOh route I’d heat the steel tube with a torch and freeze the post with

KOH is not a snippet of that culture. Draw a line from the Canadian border down the crest of the Cascades, then the Sierras to the Mexican border. Everything east of there to the continental divide is the culturally distinct country of Antivaxxistan flying the Confederate and Gadsden flags or turned around thin blue

Where is this mythical land that contains offroaders without racist bumpers, confederate flag stickers and other RWNJ paraphernalia? I have to grit my teeth every time I take my Wrangler to the mechanic flying a Gadsden flag (but he’s a damn good mechanic).