
I tried driving my 1990 Range Rover Great Divide Edition over the toe of an avalanche that was blocking a road outside of Girdwood, Alaska. Nothing stops a Range Rover except the toe of an avalanche apparently. It took a couple of hours to dig it out with (appropriately enough) my avalanche shovel I carried for

Years ago I was a prosecutor. A woman ran into another car. Guy said he was fine and got a ride home as the car was too damaged to drive. The woman was drunk and got a DUI misdemeanor ticket. While reviewing the case I decided to call the victim to see how he was doing given the amount of damage to the car. He was not

Vance is just Sarah Palin 2.0. And we know how well that worked out for McCain.

My general feeling is that in this day and age if it’s under $3K and runs you win if it last six months. This one might not. But I’d gamble on it. The NDs are pulling away in the home stretch though.

At the end of 2006 DOJ updated its “Thompson Memo” with the “McNulty Memo.” Bush was in charge. The new memo essentially re-wrote the policy standards for how DOJ goes about prosecuting corporations. It’s a long memo. But essentially, a prosecutor can beat up the company and shame them and make them find some extra

I found Japanese logical and easier than I thought. Never had any chance of learning to write it though. 

2008 Subaru’s only had a one-touch down function because anything else would cause the head gasket to fail. 

Parts should not be a problem. Just learn Japanese, it’s not that hard, then after like ten years when you can write kanji you can order parts from the source. So much negativity here. 

I’ve been in more than a few floatplane near wrecks in AK. You are right, once it’s on step between then and when it gets airborne, pilot can’t see much. I’ve been in the co-pilot seat many times in Beavers (go ahead jalops, there’s your opening)

True about the worm. I think peyote was the hallucinogen now that I think about it. 

Circa 1974. College. Spring break arrives and someone gets the drug-fueled idea to get in the back of a pickup and drive to Baja. From Colorado. Somewhere outside of Ensenada we’re blasting down a dirt road and hit a bump which causes the driver who is swilling on a bottle of mezcal to swallow the worm. Hallucinations

I had a Range Rover circa 1995. That was my first mistake. Then the rear rotors went bad. Or so the dealer claimed. Why would the rears go bad before the fronts? All I knew was that I wasn’t paying what the dealer wanted. I ordered up some rotors off the internet which was like a new and amazing thing then. I think I

I bought a 1973 Land Rover Airportable (ex-military) for $13,000. Also known as a “Lightweight”, the vehicle was meant to be launched out of a C-130 with a parachute. I did not have a C-130. I had it shipped from the East Coast to Alaska. The vehicle, which we nicknamed “The Butt-bomb” because the gas tank was under

Friend had this exact same car (right down to the color) back in the day right before he blew his brains out with a .357. I don’t know if his suicide had anything to do with the car. Although when I saw it I assumed he’d given up on living already. Gone were the BMWs, the quirky Saab with one door welded shut, and the

Except the leather seats got Yakuza tattoos. 

Needs more rust before you should drive it to Moab. ND

I’ma be going to Anchorage a whole lot less since Alaska Air went all in on Max planes. Might as well toss that Bank of America mileage card tied to Alaska too. You hear me BoA? All Boeing (and by extension AK Air) had to do was extend the landing gear, but no, that would have cost too much. So they raised the engine

Hunter Thompson’s ride was a convertible no? If this was a drop top I would have voted NP. Just to roll into Vegas in it. 

When I landed in Kenai, Alaska in 1985, the DA picked me up to go fishing. He handed me a beer. I was astounded. He was the DA though and knew the law. Open containers were perfectly legal. I think that changed in 1987.  

Jeep has relegated itself to the chicks and hicks market. The newbies don’t even wave (thank goodness). I am reluctant to give up my 2015 because of it’s lack of features (to break) and low mileage. The desire to escape the demographic and go with a Bronco is strong though.