
I bought a 1973 Land Rover Airportable (ex-military) for $13,000. Also known as a “Lightweight”, the vehicle was meant to be launched out of a C-130 with a parachute. I did not have a C-130. I had it shipped from the East Coast to Alaska. The vehicle, which we nicknamed “The Butt-bomb” because the gas tank was under

Friend had this exact same car (right down to the color) back in the day right before he blew his brains out with a .357. I don’t know if his suicide had anything to do with the car. Although when I saw it I assumed he’d given up on living already. Gone were the BMWs, the quirky Saab with one door welded shut, and the

Except the leather seats got Yakuza tattoos. 

Needs more rust before you should drive it to Moab. ND

I’ma be going to Anchorage a whole lot less since Alaska Air went all in on Max planes. Might as well toss that Bank of America mileage card tied to Alaska too. You hear me BoA? All Boeing (and by extension AK Air) had to do was extend the landing gear, but no, that would have cost too much. So they raised the engine

Hunter Thompson’s ride was a convertible no? If this was a drop top I would have voted NP. Just to roll into Vegas in it. 

When I landed in Kenai, Alaska in 1985, the DA picked me up to go fishing. He handed me a beer. I was astounded. He was the DA though and knew the law. Open containers were perfectly legal. I think that changed in 1987.  

Jeep has relegated itself to the chicks and hicks market. The newbies don’t even wave (thank goodness). I am reluctant to give up my 2015 because of it’s lack of features (to break) and low mileage. The desire to escape the demographic and go with a Bronco is strong though.

I wonder if this thing was Ubered night and day for a year?

Oh the irony. Shows up in San Diego just in time for real flood. 

20 years ago I would have said you’re insane. Um... not now.

I missed this one earlier. Definitely a hard pass on O’hare. I’ll walk before I take a flight into or out of that shithole. The airport on Christmas Island in Kiribati is a treat. They fly 737 half cargo/half passenger planes and the customs guy boards the plane and gasses it for insects while all the passengers are

NPND is what keeps me coming back to Jalopnik and why I didn’t abandon ship for the Shitbox Showdown on that other site. Keep up the good work Rob.

The Great Green Hope. Briefly revived by e-bikes. I commuted by bike in Alaska, Idaho and DC. It sucked. But I did it for decades. I would not do it anymore if I had to commute. There are way too many distracted texting drivers to even consider it. Let alone commuting on the really nice nearby bike path which is now

Article III of the US Constitution grants lifetime appointments to District Court Judges, Appellate Court Judges and the Justices on the Supreme Court. I have personally appeared before senile judges in two different federal jurisdictions. It’s pretty terrifying when a judge can’t get through a simple criminal plea

Alaska got sick and tired of senile judges and enacted a law that they are done at age 70. Feds should do the same. Alaska also enacted ranked choice voting which effectively ended Sarah Palin’s career although she was last seen in Idaho ranting at an anti ranked choice voting fund raiser. Of course.

You do realize that your comment is basically a pitch for a screenplay that could very well be green-lit? 

9.5 years I traveled for work, one year 50 weeks. I only got bed bugs once at a hotel in Vegas. All hotels have bed bugs even the super nice ones. It is inevitable, but most hotels do the right thing and limit infestations by not renting the room until it is cleared. I had a few simple rules. Never leave anything on

Very Radwoodable I’d think, after you swap the original wheels back on.

The road up and out of Queenstown, Tasmania, seemingly built on mine tailings, with 100 meter drops and no guardrails is a treat. The good news is because they drive on the wrong side you get to hug the mountainside.