
I rented from one of those discount rental places on Maui. Blend in... drive a car like a local. They gave me an ancient Mazda Protege. It reeked of mold and when you went to fill the gas, cockroaches would swarm out of the filler neck area. But you know what? I’ll take that any day over the insane prices they charge

Exactly. I went to Hawai’i every year for years. Going back to the 80s. I missed a year here and there, but the reason I don’t go anymore is two-fold. The rental cars are insane (I get that an ocean front condo costs, but a beater Mazda Three with 50K miles on the clock is another story). Hawai’i also repealed their

Morrocco, somewhere at the base of the Atlas Mountains was my guess.

We don’t really know if the owner did all the right things. Replacing the air suspension is a must, but it can cause problems getting the computer to recognize the missing bits and can cause endless frustration. I owned a 1990 Great Divide Edition and don’t miss paying for premium gas one bit. And while it’s true

Comes with free neon green tee-shirt. 

104 degrees here in Antivaxxistan today. Little early in the year for that. Like a month early. Never thought I’d say this, but I’m seriously thinking about moving back to Alaska. Housing is relatively cheap, no income tax, and they pay you to live there. 

And with United’s incompetent management and surly staff the flight delays will mean you might as well have gotten on just about any other airline in their slow plane. 

Spare me. HD is in on it. Bikes selling poorly...whiteboard... arrows... thieves loop back to selling leather accessories that are worth more than the bikes... secret sales meeting on remote island with Moet et Chandon flowing freely. Connect the dots people.

One need only to look to Idaho which spends the least amount per student than any state in the union. They are behind Mississippi. There is no end to stupid in Idaho. Ammon Bundy just turned in his paperwork to become governor there. One problem, he’s not a registered voter (a requirement for governor). The

I passed a cement mixer slowly grinding his was down a mountain pass in Colorado. A car appeared at the bottom of the hill. My speedo said 54 MPH. There was no stopping. I pulled in front of the truck just in time as the car did not see me (understandably so). It was one of those organized week-long mass rides where

I’’m with you. Sold all my road bikes a few years ago and all my motorcycles. Nobody driving is paying attention anymore. I only ride dirt and in the winter snow. I try to stay off snowmobile trails because those people are insane. Although you can hear them coming a mile away.

If you live in Alaska’s interior you fill it before it hits half because you don’t want moisture precipitating out in the tank when it’s -50F.  You also fill at a station that has Heet pre-mixed with the gas if you don’t want to empty the plastic bottles with the impossible to get off tops. 

You’d think Alaska would have the worst roads. Not in my experience. The frost heaves can be a problem, especially around Fairbanks, it’s like a free roller coaster. Two years or so ago they had a massive earthquake (7.4?) and part of the Parks Highway between Anchorage and Fairbanks basically disappeared. They had it

Slime molds rock. I’ve sought them out for years just to marvel at them. There’s too many influencers out in the woods these days hunting down morels and boletes to flex for the ‘Gram. They can keep their tasty edibles. I’m all in on slime. (really!)

I go to Seattle maybe once or twice a year now (well not last year). Their system is great. It’s not worth signing up for the pass if it’s just a few visits. They read my plate somehow and send me a bill two states away. I go online and pay it. No problem ever. If you don’t pay there’s a fine on top and next time

277 lb-ft of torque, which is all sent through a CVT...

It’s a simple bail revocation and he remains in jail until his first trial and for his second trial. Given the backlog of cases due to Covid he could be in there a while. And it’s a county pre-trial lockup. Fewer amenities. He could plead guilty, but he doesn’t strike me as the type who would have any contrition.

I can’t wait to see these on the trails at the mall!

Notice how the muzzle of mom’s gun is out of frame? I’m not an expert, although living in Antivaxxistan you pick up on gun things. Is that a silencer on the barrel of her military style weapon? Or is it a flash suppressor? Harmonic balancer? Hard to tell. Why in any sane world outside of a war zone would you need a

I owned a Ford Courier (Mazda re-badge) in the 70s that failed repeatedly to deliver me to my location. It left me stranded in the North Dakota badlands. Its fuel pump caught on fire on some remote pass in Colorado and like a fool I threw sand on it to put the fire out. It died in Saint Louis. It died in Hays, Kansas