
Honestly, if someone reported a student with a gun the protocol should be to immediately evacuate the school.

There’s also decidedly a massive difference between coerced NSFW content, and voluntary NSFW content

What fucking “goalposts”? She’s doing what she wants, and what she wants can change. You sound like a sociopath.

you completely missed the part where there was an article above the comments section. 

When I was in college I worked at a bookstore cafe. I would, similar to Hayley, describe myself as “socially awkward” so I didn’t pick up on it when one of my coworkers started hanging around and flirting with me. Eventually, he asked me to join a group of people seeing the Scott Pilgrim movie. I said yes solely

Oh, I thought you were telling them to stop using “peanut gallery” because of its racist origins.

Exactly this! Okay, look, I’m in my 60s, so it was a different time and people didn't think much of intuition. I have a daughter and granddaughters, and I always validate their intuition. And you are so right, we owe nobody anything. 

J-ef-C THIS.
People need to get this before opening their pie-holes with patronizing advice or status-quo-reinforcing minimizing.

Why is calling a man creepy the worst insult? I don't get why they fly off the handle about it, but asshole doesn't seem to make them flinch. 

jez has been all trolls for some time now.

just saw that chelsea peretti liked a brad pitt post. that sucked to see...

Sure, true.  The difference now, though, is also that anyone interested can broadcast their horseshit to everyone, easily.

Thank you. It’s not new, and it’s not particularly hard to understand why we’re fascinated by this stuff. 

100%. Fascination with true crime has always been a thing, as has gossip about it. It really irks me that people make this out like it’s a 21st century problem. People used to regularly go and watch people be hanged and/or guillotined for entertainment! The only difference now is that we have the internet.

It would be helpful if the left-leaning media outlets would maybe put a little bit of attention toward debunking right wing claims of stuff like rainbow flags and genderbread man posters in elementary schools.  “They’re coming for your kids!” is one of the main anti-LGBTQ arguments I see in right wing spaces.

So you know Paul personally have direct knowledge of the background search he conducted to know the “horse ranch” was on the up and up?

A lot of abusive people - a lot of abusive men, even - learned very quickly that all they need to do is simply admit to having issues and the mere act of offering even a sliver of remorse buys them all sorts of goodwill and more significantly, leads readers/supporters into believing change has taken place.

It’s like when people like politicians for “telling it like it is.” Almost as though “honesty” helps people get past shitty behavior... but also gives the perpetrators license to continue to be shitty under the guise of “well you know who I am and what I’m about, so if you want to be a part of it, deal with it!”

This!  It’s repulsive that the promise of ‘change’ rakes in more money for them, but they don’t change at all.  He treated his staff like shit.

Yeah, this is the right take.  I’m pro-uniform so longs as the dress code is not-gender specific.  Girls in shorts, boys in skirts, anyone wearing any of the approved items at any time.