
To get redemption one has to work for it. It has always been easier to destroy than to rebuild a reputation.

Forgiveness requires contrition.

Making a deal would’ve required thinking that the Republicans would’ve held up their end. I’m certain they wouldn’t have.

You would be ok with the hundreds of people working their asses off to make the game potentially lose their jobs because of something 1 bigoted woman said

When I was growing up, my sister and I weren’t allowed to go to slumber parties. A few years ago, I asked my mother why, and here’s what she (a mandatory court reporter) said:

Nothing says “zen” like extreme rigidity in every element within your line of sight. I’m pretty sure it was one of the Eightfold Paths the Buddha taught. 

Rowlingitis: the state in which you can’t stop talking no matter how dumb and wrong the entire world has proven you to be.

just ignore it and it’ll pass over time”

It’s not really “looking for reasons” when Rowling has very publicly made those statements…but this is all spoken like someone who probably has never had to deal with comments like these directed and them. Must be nice. 

People aren’t “looking for reasons” to be angry. People are rightfully angry over transphobia, and this game is based on the franchise created by one of the world’s most visible transphobes. And fuuuuuuuuuck you and your stance of “ignore it and it’ll go away”. That’s not how social change works. The trans community

There was a notorious client at one place I worked who would constantly complain (frequently just straight up lying) to try to get stuff for free. Her family owned a professional sports franchise, and a wing at a local hospital was named after her husband.

Having worked for rich people, I can +1 this. First-generation rich people can be all right, though you do get a few “I worked hard for my money and therefore you should eat shit” types. I.e. your basic libertarian.

Been working in credit lending for near 20 years and that is also my experience with the wealthy.

This is my sense too from my clients. Generational wealth is the worst, wives are the worst. Then the ultra rich then the very rich and then the plain ol’ rich.

It’s definitely about race. It just doesn’t make any sense otherwise. This dude hates her more than Rose West, and I believe him when he tells us that. To hate someone who is at worst “kind of boring” more than a particularly horrible sadistic sexual serial killer requires something extra - and that extra is racism.

It is absolutely about race. What people don't get is that it's also because Meghan is american. The English so called upper class hate americans. Don't ask me why. 

It’s absolutely about race, but also behavior. She wasn’t willing to starve herself and remain invisible until photo op time like Kate. More power to her and Harry for telling the whole bunch to fuck off.

Agreed. It isn’t exhibited in quite the same manner one sees in the US, but it is bald-faced racism none-the-less.