
Here’s the thing: reassuring your nervous supporters that the debate was “one bad night” shouldn’t be complicated at all. Just get the candidate in as many live, unscripted situations as possible to prove that he can still think on his feet and still has the stamina to campaign. Schedule a live, one-hour town hall

I’m sorry, I really am, but there’s no reality in which you can be well-adjusted and also think that a two night stay in a nerd hotel that costs more than many American families make in an entire month is ‘worth the cost.’ Like, just absolute ‘let them eat cake’ shit, good lord.

tryna strike a chord and it’s probably A-minor

For someone with such a great Seinfeld reference as thier handle, you always have the worst takes. 

your incuriosity is so incisive and charming!

Perfect. Don’t let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya! 

Then don’t listen to it. No one is forcing you to. That said, it is one of the most excellent podcasts out there.

This is not the way to handle a situation where you being accused of very questionable behavior. If there is an innocent explanation, say so. These rants feed into the current perception that Lizzo is an entitled diva. I have loved her music, but she’s going to end up a forgotten person if she keeps this up.

But I’m starting to feel like the world doesn’t want me in itbeing the butt of the joke every single time because of how I look…

I was pretty lukewarm on the original and don’t have any real attachment to it, so separating the two definitely won’t be an issue on my end.  Looks pretty nuts in a good way.

He made two good movies, because he also made The Crow.

From O’Barr in 2013: “I think the reality is, no matter who you get to star in it, or if you get Ridley Scott to direct it and spend 200 million dollars, you’re still not gonna top what Brandon Lee and Alex Proyas did in that first ten million dollar movie.”

“how brave of this person to sit on the story”

Come on Depp apologists, come on and make your comments. You’re totally not just misogynists, you’re fighting for a valiant cause, like a knight in the crusades or a WW2 fighter pilot.

Ah, yes, the Graham Linehan method. Things have turned out real well for him, his career and his family life. Here’s hoping Carano’s experience is similar.

It’s entitlement. They can’t shut the fuck up and keep their transphobic opinions to themselves because they believe society “rightfully” belongs to them, and are incensed not only that trans people exist, but that their disgust for trans people isn’t considered authoritative.

It’s such an incredibly common problem for conservatives, not being able to shut the fuck up. I have a lot of opinions that many people would find unpalatable. I’m not afraid to share those opinions, but neither do I ever rock up to my coworkers and just start slagging off the police.

I think part of it is for her and others like her is that she was getting all this praise from the very vocal minority(transphobes will not stop talking about being transphobes, look at JR Rowling who had made it her entire identity) and seems to have thought that they representing a lot more people than they were. So

It’s honestly like something out of The Twilight Zone, where she was so certain the extreme right wing fans would have her back that she could say all this stuff and still have a comfortable career, but then finds out they’ll never accept a big strong woman in their movies because it’s “woke.”

It’s a novel that was a massive hit when it came out over 40 years ago and then fell into relative obscurity. That’s what they mean by “dad book”. It didn’t have the “legs” that similar bestsellers like Dune, Stephen Kings’ assorted novels, Anne Rice’s vampire series, or even V.C. Andrews Flowers in the Attic have had