
Yep, it really does not matter if your game is successful or makes money, if your team has a track record of success —— if we need the numbers to wash a bit differently for the shareholders this quarter, oops!

I’m a commie who hated the shit out of Clinton (yes, I still voted for her) but wow. Even in my most negative moments about her I couldn’t even consider comparing her to Haley. That’s bizarre.

Absolutely no one running stands a chance against Trump and it’s been clear all along. It’s been fascinating to watch journalists scramble to come up with some way to cover a story that’s essentially a nonstory. I wonder if they’ll now turn to writing about how Trump might actually lose (he won’t) because of the quiet

I keep starting to watch this documentary and having to pause it because I don’t know if I can handle it. When my grandfather died, I found out only then that he had nearly been booted from the university where he taught over sexual harassment; they’d gone to my grandmother and told her to convince him to retire

Because a lot of folks are twisting around desperately to try and find new ways to paint opposition to Israel’s apartheid from 1948 onward as antisemitic.

As another commenter pointed out, the Canary Mission overtly tracks anyone who speaks against Palestine and tracks them alongside genuine, outspoken neonazis as if

You’re totally right - I use youtube a lot these days in just that way!

The actual issue here is that no one pays for a fucking editor anymore

Yup, exactly!

A little wasted, but at the same time he’s kind of a token nod to a Coen-esque character who is there and just a schmuck through and through holding back more capable people. In that way, he’s pretty well situated in a Fargo season.

Yeah, I’ve seen folks speculate on whether or not Gator “knew” about Linda and I’m surprised - it seemed immediately obvious based on Gator’s expression that part of why he was so able to be emphatic that Dot was lying was that he knew full well that his mom was dead and moreover, he felt sure that DOT knew and was

That would have been a beat-for-beat perfect episode of Fargo but for the Toxic cover. It would have been fine in a shorter dose, but the length completely pulled me out of the moment and I ended up actually chuckling during what should have been an otherwise tense/horrifying moment. I’m not saying the song was

It’s funny, Star Trek overall was going to be my big example of why a longer season matters.

A really grating conversation that started coming up with a lot of TV shows is the idea of “filler”; fluff episodes that ‘don’t advance larger plots’ or contain enough of substance to justify their existence. Absolutely,

oh I hear you, but I guess we have to content ourselves with languishing in the grays so Jez can prioritize the attack helicopter joke crew

Have they given even the slightest indication that they want to do something about the cesspool that is not just kinja but kinja on this site? It’s fucking incredible that they just threw up their hands here.

It’s fucking adorable that they still think they can get away with pretending they aren’t partisan.

Also, god, I rarely see the point of actively engaging in this behavior with people because what does it accomplish but laughing really hard over the fact that several people asserted that Gorsuch might not be so bad.

Because this is explicitly a hell of our own making. Voters have degrees of “power” most certainly in terms of who they elect but every major election we have is one in which we are voting against rather than for; Dem candidates such as Biden run on platforms eagerly stating that their intent isn’t to shake the

Pointing out their hypocrisy is always pointless but indeed, after flogging the “free speech on campus” bit for years, now the same motherfuckers are out there stating that there’s a serious issue with “antisemitic” speech on campuses. Weird how that edict is also coming down from billionaire donors to schools angry

There is no lie. The lies all come from what Israel puts out into the world - the lies they tell Jewish people (like me, as I grew up believing many of them before I became antizionist myself), the lies they tell themselves, their “citizens”, and any government who will listen.

Zionists want to argue that Israel exists

So...this whole article and subsequent, patented hand-wringy generational commentariat whine is based upon one tweet?

I guess I misremembered, I thought his implication was that he’d never fictionalize any events with Harry/William in the first place.