
I can’t remember my other login so I guess we’ll use this one but anyway, just when I thought it was maybe not workable for Jezebel to come back I see Kylie coming through with an excellent take. Now, to do something about the ridiculously shit kinja setup we’re still stuck with.

I have one problem with carplay, in that for whatever reason sometimes the screen locks/controls don’t work - but I address that at the beginning of any drive by double checking before I leave park, unplugging my phone and plugging it back in, and viola. I don’t ever have to touch my phone while I drive, which is the

I’m Jewish, and what she said is simply an expression of the idea that Palestinian residents from the area who were forced out by literal gunpoint during the nakba and during subsequent expulsions would like to return to the land in which they and their ancestors were up.

The notion that this phrasing is in any way

You literally just said “play stupid games, win stupid prizes” about 10,000 civilian deaths, including thousands of children.

Zionists are incredible. I know, because I used to be a zionist Jew. I am still Jewish, and a practicing Jew at that, but every day that I think the viewpoints expressed by zionists cannot be

Right, the cannibalism stuff is the salacious aspect of it; the accusations of rape and abuse probably the ones more worth focusing on overall.

This hurts my heart but I understand your response as indeed, it’s not okay that the response is to shut down discussion; it is a distinctly un-Jewish approach to me, as the faith I grew up with was one where I was encouraged to engage with the Talmud and talk with others about how we felt about it and what it meant;

Could well be possible - my thinking was similar, in more that even if Bibi didn’t see this coming he had deliberately worked to worsen conditions to the point where an attempt like October 7 could well be made. I don’t know if he also anticipated how severe the casualties would work out but given what I have read

100%. I will not be forgetting these celebrities who make it clear that they have zero issues with the deaths of thousands and thousands of Palestinians to “avenge” October 7. As a Jew myself, seeing the responses to genocide is just appalling. Seeing people still contort themselves after yesterday’s bombing of a

Regulation and helping to protect workers would be the way to go. Because yes, the end goal here is to make sure that they can do things as cheaply as they can and it’s already happening.

The rebuttals I see to this are always that the tech will “get better” and I imagine it will “get better” in that it’ll pass a

Bingo. What’s the gap between revenue previously and revenue now.

Of course, they might have staffed differently to accommodate a scope that would meet projections but nevertheless, if you say “I made $1 last year, my projections are $10 next year” and you don’t make that, that doesn’t mean you didn’t still have some

I’m unsurprised and, per the last comment I made on an article about this, still just heartsick for these devs. Time and time again we are given absolutely unreasonable parameters and then when a game doesn’t meet a quality bar it never could meet (or rather, when a game doesn’t financially perform - the quality bar

Yep. I felt awful reading this. Not in that I think the critique is unwarranted, but that I feel for devs who 100% KNEW what they had to put out and likely had almost no recourse to do better. It’s kind of heartbreaking. I’ve been in a position where I’ve had my name go out on work that I knew wasn’t up to scratch but

It has also been straight-up described by Blackburn as a way to control LGBT and, specifically, trans information on the internet.

And Elizabeth Warren signed on as a co-sponsor. It’s patently obvious that Dems are being fleeced by KOSA but no one seems to want to be willing to go out on a limb and admit it because

Israel, a state which has continually outright lied about deaths of Palestinians, has perpetuated the lie that Hamas has been “beheading babies”, which President Biden quite readily repeated himself. I am tired of seeing my religion, which is quite precious to me, used as a pretext to commit genocide and am appalled

I had thought so too. Really confusing and for me, very disappointing as well. 

I don’t generally care about apology letters but definitely anyone who IS mad about chatGPT writing an apology letter is in for a wild ride. Hope everyone’s very excited to see chatGPT hack their way through dialogue choices and more, because it’s being pushed on devs like you wouldn’t believe.

Let’s just say budgets don’t get out of whack because Designers or Animators feel like burning money for kicks, no. They’ll be blamed regardless, but the money furnace comes into play with leadership who want 10 different things, can’t articulate it well, and change their mind after they see what they’re getting. Then

I’m curious: when the byline is “AV Club Staff”, who actually wrote it? AI? 

Yeah, I guess the argument could be made that potentially most of the humans he’s interacting with are these agents or something (doubtful, but whatever) but I genuinely do wonder if he’s responding to their body language/demeanor/attitude in general, not just towards humans he feels he needs to protect. 

A lot of people who were ardently defending her seem to think that show represents her true, actual personality. Her true, actual personality was the one we saw with a carefully arranged, PR-consulted crybaby no-makeup “apology” while she abandoned solidary for her own benefit.