
Do you genuinely think people are going to be showing up in t-shirts and cutoffs or something?

Nah, quite doubtful. The issue here is more the very specific story he told about his daughter - one where the outright fabrication about something kind of big is a weird lie to have made up.

I don’t think any of us expect that comedians are being 100% truthful and I’d even imagine many stories told may be outright

Right, that’s the kicker here. Of course comedians exaggerate or maybe even wholly make shit up; I think it matters a LITTLE more given the specific things he chose to make up. I don’t care much either way as I’m not a big fan of his so my opinion hasn’t changed but I can see why people are raising an eyebrow in this

My favorite version of E is the one bricked up in the Montresor estate catacombs.

It’s extremely funny to me as at this point it wouldn’t matter if they not only backtracked but gave devs more, they have so completely fucked their relationship with us that trust is eroded. Obviously anyone who already has a project in motion with them or has one live is in a very different spot but no one wants

It’s so frustrating that essentially no one ever asks Musk to elaborate on this stuff - what is a woke mind virus? Who is “they”? When he consistently complains about Soros in an antisemitic way propping up replacement theory rhetoric, is he, you know, indeed outright stating that Jews are using their money and

The profession I work in is already outright talking about using AI to replace writing and scripting wherever possible and outright talking about how it can help reduce redundancies. How well the tech does or does not work now is irrelevant; my own employer has already identified that they see any regulation of AI as

I mean I will say, coming from a place where I just have empathy for others, that in spite of coming from a family with enormous privilege she’s had an incredibly rough go of things for a while in her life.

But she’s still doing extremely well for herself and this move betrays that she has no actual solidarity for

As a dev myself this was my first thought. A lot of people are about to switch to UE5. 

Eh, isn’t Kurtwood kind of a chud?

Talking a big game about a rapist being totally safe around their kids makes it clear they don’t give a single shit about victims, yes.

Scab is as scab does. If Drew thinks she can nice it up and we’ll forget, she’s wrong.

Bingo. They’re clearly pissed about that.

And god help me if I have to see more shit-ass comments on this post about how wonderfully magnanimous it is to forgive fucking rapists. It sucks when people you care about do terrible things. No one’s psychic, you may truly be blindsided.

Unequivocally supporting your rapist

For starters, because I’m actually a bay area resident who wants her fucking gone so her choosing to run again directly impacts me?

“Deck building, but tarot” is literally all anyone would need to say to sell me on this game. Looks neat.

CNN’s never been THAT liberal by comparison but they’re absolutely taking some turns to the right of late.

I actually beg to differ and think it would have been worthwhile to go after Bush and Cheney, but “it might not matter in the future” seems like a very bizarre reason to advocate for not caring about it now.

I imagine in the future we’ll most certainly be preoccupied with, I dunno, environmental disasters wrought by

This is the exact point - they all want it both ways. “It’s ONLY for learning, but...”

In fact, schools are places for children to learn and, here’s the kicker, to be protected and kept safe as well. We’re demonstrably failing them on that front because we can’t seem to find it in our hearts to stop gun violence at

Listen, I absolutely didn’t want to see Lizzo taken down or whatever but her defenses here are complete bullshit and I 100% believe her dancers hers. This is the best her team can do? Wow. 

It’s not working. It’s making me hate these bastards even more. What these unions are asking for is NOT unfair.