
“She’s nonviolent, she just calls people up at random and threatens them with violence. Leave my daughter alone!!!”

It’s liberal-offendin-bingo from the dipshits who buy “fuck your feelings” shirts while crying because they are upset about barbie movies or whatever the hell has their dander up each and every week. It’s so, so tryhard. Little wonder the comments sections are full of techbros talking about how the song ~ speaks ~ to

I hate Mayim, and I clicked reply to say that I don’t necessarily think that the picture implies that she’s crossing the line but upon reflection I agree that it’s a poor inclusion given that she specifically has refused to cross the line when last I checked Jennings HAD agreed to cross the picket line (not sure if

It’s totally fair! This feels like a grim thing to say but I guess it’s why I appreciate that I think the pandemic gave people a chance to evaluate what they wanted to do and to have more options. It made me realize I’m a bit more extroverted than I thought, and it made a hell of a lot of my friends realize that if

What does this reply accomplish for you?

Wow, you’re telling me the woman who once thought she could construct her own river barge and float off into some trust fund “bohemian” life continues to be one of the most vapid dipshits imaginable? Shock.

There were a fair number of comments on her videos saying the allegations were disturbing or awful. I guess that’s the dogpile? People who were fans saying “wow, what the hell”. Whew. I unfollowed and left it at that in terms of commenting directly at her. 

I guess I have actually “canceled” Grimes as I enjoyed art angels and now won’t listen to anything of hers because she opens her mouth and idiocy pours out, but generally when we talk about “cancelation” we mean someone in a position of power or prevalence has a tumble. Did Grimes ever actually reach any mainstream

I think part of the success of Barbie is in that it being more of a social experience; I dressed up to go, as did everyone else when I saw it. It looks like folks are still wearing pink or something like that as they see it. If you want to get people in theaters at this point, you need something more than just “you

There’s something that feels sort of bummer-y about “How Dumb It Is” being the shared list framing. I admittedly wasn’t playing a lot of Barbie games myself in the 90s, but I played plenty of games aimed really specifically for kids and...a lot weren’t particularly memorable or amazing; just “slap some math problems

That’s the thing here. I have a person who has authority over me at work and wants to be very friendly in a more open/casual way and I really don’t know how to articulate to them that while I’m friendly with many coworkers (and, privately, actual friends with several) it is not possible for me to talk about certain

I would frame it more as just that this work is a bit exhausting in general (even if, as we’ve noted, this work was pretty much feminism 101 work) than her being bullied out of it; I don’t want to diminish the harassment, as it was awful, but I think she’s also right in that it’s okay for her to say this particular

I mean, Caitlin’s only in this for Caitlin and her money so it’s not a huge surprise that she’d be pissed about something that impacts her directly - being included in the commercial - but absolutely not about anything else that impacts the trans community. She’s a piece of shit. What else is new.

I still haven’t started playing in earnest since I’ve been absorbed in TOTK but these updates feel so bleak; I am just not very interested in a game that is going to be micromanaged this much, and it sure seems like that’ll just be a constant. Yeesh. 

I scrolled up to see if maybe this WAS one of the fucking AI articles. I never get what’s going on with Kylie, though. I don’t think she’s a mean person but this is a ludicrously meanspirited article.

As someone who also grew up in a small town in a VERY red state, I’m laughing for the same reason Audra is. Small town folks may have appreciation for cops as a whole but they despise being told what to do by any authority figure whatsoever and don’t want people in their business. Huge difference between “we love cops

Right, I get people saying “you’re never going to watch that video you’re taking” but there are a couple of musicians I follow who rarely put out live content of their own, so you’re relying...on bootlegs and fan videos on youtube someone put up. I get it’s annoying if you’re behind someone but I think that’s here to

Why are you conjuring up a hypothetical for others to weigh in on when the context here makes it perfectly clear that, house party or no, Hill had every reason to need to check in on someone’s age?

Language is ever-evolving so it’s natural that the meaning of a word shifts, broadens/dilutes over time but it’s still just so, so frustrating. I have C-PTSD, so when I started seeing “triggered” slip from a very concrete meaning relating to an emotional response to basically meaning “I’m extra-upset by this” I felt

Trump lost the popular vote, though.