
Every overentitled white idiot who thinks their GPA should automatically get them into the college they like is still going to scream about how it’s totally affirmative action, but now it’s SECRET affirmative action. Delightful.

I think the complicating factor is that Ye absolutely DOES have mental health struggles that he’s talked about before and are...obvious.

It’s almost impossible to talk about Ye at this point without bringing it up in some capacity, but it’s frustrating as no matter how you do it, it feels like you are undermining the

Hi, can you explain what you mean by “ordinary citizens”?

It’s historically been true. He was fired from Law and Order for a “salary” issue, commonly known at the time as “no one wants to fucking work with this shitbag, thank god we have a reason to get rid of him”. If your reputation precedes you then yeah, you’re going to have trouble rustling up work no matter who you

I’ll be an asshole and say: if Hamish was my stepdad, I’d be postin’ through it myself. I feel absolutely horrible for the young man on this but Hamish chose to do stupid shit, so there you go.

It’s like this all across the board. Their concerns are always framed as a concern about medical procedures being done when someone might “change their mind” but it doesn’t apply to intersex children, just like prescribing puberty blockers to cisgender kids to mitigate “precocious puberty” (i.e., for gender affirming

Evidence has been like that for a long, long time. It’s horrifying that he is still getting any work, but I shouldn’t be surprised.

They haven’t been silent about the matter, that’s actually kinda my complaint: Joe likes to tell us every few months that he “has our back” and the WH loves to issue absolutely fucking toothless statements while not actually enshrining the rights of the trans community. Communication isn’t their problem. Action is.


Those of us who were friends with him personally are generally expressing this sentiment. Ian was an especially hard worker even within his industry who would consistently push himself and work through very serious illnesses, and while we do not know the facts for SURE what we do know is that he was talking about

It’s confused me my whole life. I played a lot of computer games as a kid vs console stuff so I often wasn’t playing what my classmates were. I remember the first time I met a boy in school who WAS playing what I played and I was so excited to finally be able to talk about my interests with someone my age. His

Exactly. It’s bleak, and it doesn’t do a thing to actually uplift artists who deserve better than to be part of a gimmick show.

I raised my eyebrows at that mention in the Vulture article as well. Good riddance - why does that need to be revisited? I genuinely don’t think I want Schur’s take on it in a “limited series”.

Right, pits have etiquette. StAy HoMe, though, kid!

Same song, five millionth verse: bigots go on and on about how the LGBT community won’t shut up about themselves for five minutes, yet they find a way to introduce their ~ concerns ~ into every motherfucking conversation held. I suspect if I asked one what the weather was like I’d be informed that it’s good except for

You’re right - it’s not a big budget.

As a dev, I’ve worked on plenty of shoestring projects. And the solution to a budget shortfall isn’t to just use AI to fill in the gaps for genuine creative efforts. The solution would have been to rescope, make cuts, or reconsider outright if additional funding couldn’t be

I think my frustration is that I really am not seeing anyone saying WFH is good for all. People seem to keep assuming that the commentary from those who say “wow, I cannot stand being in an office” speaks for everyone. We know full well plenty of people like being in office all the time, or having a hybrid deal. I

Love it that the author agrees it’s highly unlikely that the phone hacking happened just once but it’s still all just puffery. Jez is fucking incredible these days.

I knew I wasn’t a girl when I was 7 years old. My entire life I couldn’t understand what was wrong with me or why I was “broken” and feeling like I was just going through the motions trying to be a woman. I knew who I was - and this was in the 80s, when there most certainly wasn’t a lot of discussion about gender

Right, my first two thoughts were Pratt or Wahlberg. 

Right, while abuse can certainly be obscured I just personally find it almost impossible to believe that they weren’t aware that Brian was abusing Gabby.

And the thing is, this is a civil trial, so yeah - the bar’s gonna be different here and absolutely none of Brian’s parents’ actions make them look good. They look