
It’s been very weird to see people miss the part where all of these people fucking suck, and I am kind of in shock that people apparently tooooootally forgot Shiv talking a victim down to help the company. Girlbossery reigns supreme!

I definitely really like it but their specific gripe is pretty real to me; my spatial reasoning skills aren’t amazing and I struggle so much with angling items perfectly and while I *appreciate* that it gives you a lot of flexibility, I wish it was a little less flexible at times so I didn’t have to take 5 attempts to

I’m not so sure I see evidence of game companies impacted as above going on massive hiring sprees; Facebook and thereabouts aren’t necessarily the same. I wouldn’t put it on overhiring, that’s all I’ll say here.

I don’t know what Nikki does or doesn’t believe but a lot of transphobes genuinely think there are way, way more trans people than there actually are. Part of their social contagion theory kinda relies on this, but I believe when polled they wildly miscalculate how many people are actually out as trans.

I have Catholic friends and I respect their beliefs but at the same time I can’t fathom why they’d object to a community harmed directly by that religious institution trying to claw something back.

Then there’s the part where we talk about churches retaining molestation insurance because their priests can’t keep their

Loving all the fuckin dipshits crying about how an MLB team is about to be “canceled” like Bud Lite. Uh-huh. Totally. 

He’s not being charged with what he should be but if I was prosecuting I’d see if I can get away with just holding the court for the full duration of time it took for Daniel to murder Jordan Neely. It took a long time. A VERY long time, when you are sitting there second to second thinking about it. This motherfucker.

Excited to see someone come into this thread yet again to talk about how it’s “not so simple” to demand her immediate fucking resignation, like it matters more to have the Ds they like in place the way they expect than it does to have a person who LITERALLY CANNOT PERFORM THE JOB remain in office.

Democrats: always a

Strong disagree on this one. He’s demonstrably not good at his job, his background is pretty iffy, and what he’s said in this instance is supremely unhelpful and honestly kind of weird. The penultimate paragraph Rich wrote is the exact point here that we continue to make about Buttigieg. I’m sure he’s a perfectly nice

She’s absolutely fucking awful but what’s slightly funny to me is that Elon’s little supporters are pissy about her anyway. That probably won’t last, and it doesn’t actually matter in any real way whatsoever, but it was interesting to me. I noted it mainly because here and there when I’m a bit bored while watching TV

Yep, actually elected Dems are moving center. I’ll get some lecture like I always do about not being supportive enough of them, but that anyone even considers Biden actually a “democrat” is a fucking laugh, and there most certainly isn’t the merest hint of them moving left. Biden CAMPAIGNED on the fact that he

For years, they used to do the whole “don’t politicize this tragedy” bit whenever a mass shooting took place - “don’t talk about politics now, that’s crass”.

Now, they’ve abandoned that pretense and just get angry about it - when the same people aren’t making horrifying, gleeful comments about the deaths of others.

I enjoy all these articles about the show “You” because they began to convince me that perhaps “You” was a decent show that was receiving this amount of media attention because it’s a decent show. Holy shit. I forced myself through all of season 1 - is the joke here that everyone watching knows it’s godawful dreck

Do you particularly WANT to watch media written by AI?

I would really highly recommend taking a look at the negotiation documents.

Not to mention that there’s a third thing here - that they’re deciding this thing that isn’t a problem somehow IS a problem means that it matters for a reason - and the reason it matters extremely isn’t “usability for the platform” or “improvements that make users like it better”, which is vexing. I pay their stupid

I guess I haven’t personally experienced what he’s describing on that front, but what I do hear constantly is that “anyone” can write or that it’s not particularly meaningful to be able to do any degree of writing if you’re not actually serving as a game writer outright. I’m a game writer who followed a path similar

Hey, neat job just breathlessly reporting on a story clearly drummed up initially to make striking writers look bad. A little solidarity wouldn’t have hurt you.

I do this now, too, and there are absolutely some shows that I was interested in but just never watched because of cancelation issues. Yes, I know this means I’m often going to be missing out on really good stuff that was canceled before its prime but there’s not exactly a dearth of stuff to watch, either.

It truly

Maybe, but the need to repay her will evaporate quickly once she has no actual influence to continue to be of help. I certainly think SHE has envisioned a future as a lobbyist or talking head somewhere, but folks like her are a dime a dozen and her popularity now involves being able to own the libs from the position