
I genuinely don’t give a shit about the bill hader stuff but surely it’s not true that you genuinely can’t fathom why people would expect Ali to comment on this situation? There’s always this insistence that women shouldn’t be held accountable for the actions of men and that would make perfect scenarios in

Right, that’s an extremely important point to make: a lot of the thefts that are taking place are absolutely frustrating (catalytic converter theft is def a thing in my neighborhood, sadly) but uh, it’s not... it’s not a situation requiring a weapon on my part! 

Gun ownership and how guns are treated here is rock-bottom THE issue, of course, but I also point out just how much social media has contributed to the significant fearmongering and straight-up misinformation about “rampant crime” everywhere.

I live in the bay area and people speak about it like we’re barely holding

YES, thank you. Can’t Get There From Here is so great. That bridge is one of my favorite things in the world.

I’m a huge rem fan and have been most of my life and I love Shiny Happy People.

The list’s otherwise enjoyable but it’s funny, I never think I’m into deep cuts or anything but as I kept advancing through the list I thought “wait, These Days REALLY isn’t gonna be here?”

(I’m a freakazoid whose top ten includes these

Right, I can’t even begin to imagine wanting to do this. I also love to read and am happy to talk about what I’ve read in certain formats (FB post, discord, just a recommendation, etc) but the book club format really isn’t for me. 

Right, this is about what I expected. I was going to swing into the comments and say that I don’t want to see “blockbusters” at a small indie cinema - I want to see unique things I can’t see elsewhere. Well, I would imagine it’s a hell of a lot more complicated than just “pick better movies”. 

I don’t recall Mr. Rogers ever asking a child to suck on his tongue but maybe I was watching a different show.

I’m struggling there as well!

Right, unconscious homophobia. I.e., he is homophobic. Next!

Vote blue no matter who!

Yeah, I do actually think that’s a fair point. I was obviously a bit irritated that they didn’t have enough of the rights to ACTUALLY delve into Silmarillion stuff, but it still felt fairly rooted to the way Tolkien told stories. I’m certainly not defending it as perfect or anything, but the bar was low for me and I

They 100% miss it. I can’t tell you how often middle-to-middle-upper-class liberal-ish people have informed me that blue collar folks aren’t okay with trans people - as if trans folks aren’t often blue collar themselves. They really do buy the idea that all trans folks are teal-haired teenagers with money hanging out

It’s so funny to me, like they didn’t do a TON of research to make sure they can seem progressive while protecting their bottom line. Almost like...whew...stick with me here...most people are pretty fine with trans folks actually!

Weird, I’m a pretty hardcore LOTR fan and I enjoyed it.

One of my favorite things about the show isn’t even necessarily the show itself, but the way people respond to it. Of course even the worst villains have “good points” to them - they treat a dog or a partner well, or are occasionally kind within reason.

People really, really need to be able to find the “good side” to

A lot of people who still want to pretend their transphobic friends/family members are just “a bit confused” still really aren’t getting that this is the end goal and I’m a bit tired of trying to remind them.

Genuinely don’t understand what media figures think is accomplished by interviewing these people. We already know their viewpoints - they are blasted everywhere, all the time, and given frontpage headlines on a daily basis. We already know they’re not going to challenge them but, more significantly, we also know that

Pointing out the fallacies makes them double down harder. Of course it’s aggravating that they make the rules up as they go along and purport themselves to be more morally upright people. I don’t actually think people who are pointing it out are thinking it through to the point of going “...and the reason I’m saying

Basically that, yeah. If you think she’s overexposed, fine, but fucking lol at all the weirdo tabloid followers everywhere, even on Jez, who are very sure their reasons for being livid at Markle for existing, ever, are very right and upstanding of them.