Black Swan

I’d rather be lonely than raped, and I don’t think rapists can be rehabilitated. I think they need to be permanently segregated from society.

Damn girl, do better. And I’m not talking about Hillary. I’m talking about this weak ass author and this weak ass article. Also, some of ya’ll commentators harping on Hillary are down right idiots. Get out of your house. Do some activism work. Register people to vote. Hillary is not the issue here.

Clicked your link. Where are the reviews? I saw a blog post and one comment.

Old ghouls should never leave home without their can of acrylic #7 and a tub of Bond-O!

I’m very upset that nowhere in this article did you raise the question: What kind of monster watches “This Is Us”?

Dr. Luke should be in jail with Dr. Nassar.

Fuck that. Ralph Macchio’s career ended when he got arrested for shooting the clerk in Alabama.

People magazine is all over this. Apparently, yesterday (or Monday?) was Donald and Melania’s 13th wedding anniversary and it passed with zero public tweets, statements, nada. Donald even tweeted about other stuff. Melania- total silence. No picture of them together to mark the one year anniversary of Trump’s term-

is that the guy she’s banging?

I just want to thank Deadspin and Jezebel for giving this the frontline attention it needs and deserves. Other outlets are giving it so little attention relative to its importance it is very disheartening.  I listen to the radio in the morning on the way to work and you would have little idea this was happening if

This is exactly why I leave my ad blocker on. Well, one of two reasons. The other is because ads so frequently make a site next to unusable. I do allow AdBlock Plus to show “unobtrusive ads” though.

This seems like the sort of article Lifehacker staff might read the comments to, so.

The last three virus / spyware problems I had got in through ads.

Mueller is like the monster in It Follows. You can run but he’s always there. Walking, walking, walking towards you, implacable, unstoppable.

if you guys ever adjust your ads to be less batshit crazy obnoxious, please write an article alerting us. until then you will remain adblocked.

I have a Dolly Parton license plate. I though y’all should know that.

Don’t I and my *exquisite taste* know it!

I did this about 10 years ago. Living in an apartment complex and noticed some shady goings on with the people across the courtyard. Kids in and out but never for long and the kids looked unclean and hungry. Went on for awhile and finally I needed to do something. Called the police. The place got raided. Turned out