
I'm really glad you said that!

I wasn't going to post to this article until I saw your comment so thank you for your insight and for the oblique encouragement. I concur wholeheartedly with your analysis of the author's insistence about what a great place UofC is except for...

I guess Bajc could just stop working for Israeli intelligence systems providers, stop going on CNN to spout off insane theories about MH370 being in Pakistan, stop being the quintessential ugly American abroad, stop making a case for the people who point out that the entitled housekeeper-employing Anglophone is

No, Evernote is a tricky little beast. You have to keep an eye on it all the time. That function that runs in the background, even on Mavericks? No.

Look, I've had enough of these Upworthy-style-written posts about television programs no one watches, apps no one uses that happen to have at their corporate helms former Gawker media writers, "rants" about magazine "beauty boxes" containing wtf Procter & Gamble products.... could you at least have some consideration

I agree...I began to go through this article and the one about the Texas school for all the spelling and grammatical errors alone and just gave up. Crosley is just a terrible writer. Jezebel needs to cut off all these side enterprise blogs and hire an editor, and a copy editor, at least. And get rid of writers who

Jezebel, and this writer who cannot write in particular, has worked hard to ensure that the site attracts exactly the type of people who do not know who bell hooks is. reaping and sowing.

Beyoncé has become a lightening rod yet again, and this time she's attracted the unfiltered attention of critical thinker and author bell hooks.

Brilliant Nails reference!

Yeah, if you're a Gemini, you need to be with an Aquarius, and only an Aquarius. Very good work.

Of course she is. Jezebel in general is a feminism troll site. I'd say this writer in particular, but my main complaint about this one is she can't write in addition to being racist and sexist.

says she's a 28-year-old medical student that is "5-foot-10, 130 pounds with blond hair and green eyes,"

Say, how do people find ROYGBIV, exactly?

...nor was she allowed to expense the cost of straightening her curly hair, which cost her $45 per week.

In the film the Nola character is clearly an adult, living on her own and in fact being "sex driven" aside, this film is partly a character study about someone at a quarterlife crisis approaching larger questions about identity and what to do with her life. Just wondering if you would identify a man in his mid-

Wow, that is an attractive pair of dogs!

To be clear, the people in the Vaterland speak German, hence the name of the language for Anglphones OK? The dialect in Wien is a lot different than that in Salzburg, but they are both dialects inflected with Italian, French, or the Tirol dialects. Us Volk in Bavaria speak a dialect which is quite beautiful and has a

Love Artemis of Ephesus inspired figures so much, I once was her for Halloween!

Wow, this sentence:

Don't you think the headline is nasty enough? "Southern Tornado?"