
"....and I certainly don't know enough about Kenyan gender relations and cultural mores to responsibly hazard any guesses about them. ..."

What if, after about 120 years, people discourage other people from reading the book because the writer was a product of the times, a dilettante from late capitalist colonial America?

I think there's a general misconception, which is higher than normal amid the Jezebel population but high amid Americans anyway, that public comportment, and manners in general, is/are something that is supposed to make you, the individual comfortable.

Are there only like two guys in town to date? Sounds seriously messed up.

Also some people manage to reach 40 without a faux fur white shag rug and some nasty generic "tribal" tattoos. These are just typical white person thinking they are being all cutting edge photos trading on a woman's perceived desirability as the currency of her worth.

Yeah that pesky new media start up, the Wall Street Journal...purveyors of businessy babble speak for more than a century, who would EVER get their economic data from that rag? Seriously, I hate their editorial policy, but the reporting seems legit, and you're insulting your readership {as if being a colleague of LW's

Same difference.

" but not every fraternity or sorority is full of "douchey assholes."

Much as I bitterly complain about Jezebel, I want here to commend Erin Gloria Ryan's organised and thorough post and Jessica Coen for the social service of doxing these sociopathic imbeciles. Gawker wouldn't do it. I am very impressed. Beyond the disgust and sadness of wishing this story (and probably ones like it on

Doing OK until the "flip flops" part...

You know in Perfume, Story of a Murderer, where the titular character refines and refines and refines the ultimate essence, the symbolic ne plus ultra? This post is that for Jezebel.

Seriously who would want their photo taken with USF president Judy Genshaft?

This has been in the media (including on Gawker) for a while now.

And also don't read Henry James because he was a serial philanderer, T.S. Eliot same reason, Plato had this big drinking party with lots of alcohol at least for underage boys, Herge also a racist/colonialist, Ambrose Bierce probably tried to ditch the war, also don't listen to any Wagner operas or use any library that

Other first-world Western countries don't.

Choked. Strangled = dead.

Yeah, agreed, I'm pinning all my Gawker media hopes on Sploid (except for the terrible terrible awful name). The content has been pretty good so far.

On the bright side, at least she's not going to try go get an extension on her paper and fly off to Peru, thereby initiating a sort of senior "diaspora..."

Because they don't exist?

".... paramour-cu-burglar...."