
Rusev makes a better Missourian than Randy Orton. May the pride of all the Southpaw Regions be defended!

And with that said, on to some bad news: this will be the A.V Club’s final Raw post.

Barry and CJ got piles of positive publicity for WWE superstars and TMZ coverage by cementing their real life relationship. How dare they!

The Illuminati don't want you to know the truth about the Fashion Police.

The WWE is mad that Rusev has a better command of the English language than most of the roster.

Time to bring back heel Prince Devitt, revenge for failing to properly address the famine!

I remember watching that flag match and thinking that Rusev loves his homeland and is willing to battle for it, which is noble. Most Americans can't find Bulgaria on a map, never mind have problems with it. The WWE should really go after the big markets and have John Cena defend the honor of all the well populated

(W)e’d be looking forward to Raw on a weekly basis while barely sitting through Smackdown! Live‘s PPV Battleground? How the times, and the creative direction, have changed.

"Rusev vs. John Cena in a Flag Match at Battleground"

Brand split is code for give all the talent to RAW and watch the B show succeed anyway. RAW tried to sign Scott Steiner from a sit at home contract when Smackdown started a feud between a former NCAA champion with travel issues and a white guy who rapped about "sausage and nuts."

The Miz was the bad guy who cut an amazing promo that reminded us that he works hard, generally gets a raw deal, and busts his ass to be the best wrestler that he can. The Miz staring silently at the camera was genuinely scary, but associated one word with The Miz, a word that cannot be bestowed, but must be earned:

"And it's been great, but he's a big fish in a small pond."

According to the Internet Wrestling Community (take of that what you will), Vince was worried about the unscripted direction of the show, not the ratings on the WWE Network. That unscripted direction made Daniel Bryan look like the bad guy in his feud with the Miz; in the end, they both came out of it better.

American Alpha took so long to set up, with Jordan blaming partners and hating Gable. Such a waste to break it up now.

Much of Talking Smack was throwaway. If a bit was good, it would be all over Youtube and the social media. It was an opportunity to succeed and build character.

You haven't seen Pete Dunne or Tyler Bate? Neville is amazing, but he's the third best wrestler in the UK division.

What 205 needs to get over is a wrestler like Neville taking out the heavyweight division. Heel Neville is credible to beat anyone, especially using illegal techniques.

No mention that Talking Smack is cancelled? (And RAW Talk). That was a fantastic opportunity for wrestlers to get over (Miz vs Bryan, FaBreeze and the Fashion PoPo), if a segment failed, the world just forgot about it.

The Universal Championship is on Brock Lesnar, who has roughly 30 minutes of cumulative ring time in the past year.

All I’ll really say is listen to how the crowd pops when Dillinger gets in any offense. SmackDown hasn’t done much with him on TV since his callup—I’m assuming he’s at least getting more time at house shows—but the dude is crazy over relative to his prominence on the show, and hopefully WWE will do something with