The villagers will rejoice when Reigns defeats Frankenstein's Strowman!
The villagers will rejoice when Reigns defeats Frankenstein's Strowman!
Watched Eat Balls (could not resist, since there were a few poor camera shots) tonight. Wondered if there was anyone worth noting in the tag division, glad to see the Revival are back to shore it up. Still, since the division is so thin, breaking up Cass and Enzo and even Golden Truth seems a wasted opportunity;…
Good Ol' JR talks about how bad comedy ruins wrestling. Breezango (okay, FaBreeze, since we don't care about trademarks) is the rare gem that professional wrestling needs, namely, good comedy. Good comedy like Chris Jericho's amazing WCW run, good comedy like Degeneration X inspiring the sophomore class.
Everyone is looking good, and it’s a fun lower-midcard story. When you have three hours to fill, there’s nothing wrong with that.
I’ve been writing for years (sadly, WWE makes it so I have to) that xenophobic promos aren’t my jam.
"So, the feud between Alicia Fox, Sasha Banks, Noam Dar, and Rich Swann hasn’t exactly been hitting it’s mark."
It's dragged on 205 Live for months. Throwing Sasha Banks into the snoozefest just brings her down.
Backlash 2017 wasn't a show with high expectations, but it delivered. Breezango properly did comedy; Owens / Styles featured fantastic storytelling about working a body part, with a heel countout, and Mahal shocked the IWC.
Popeyes spent the advertising budget on Southpaw Regional….
I thought it was because they're a more annoying scream version of the White Stripes.
I thought it was because they're a more annoying scream version of the White Stripes.
Wait, so Avril Lavigne is alive? I'm so disappointed.
As much as the "superstar shakeup" was a talent raid by RAW, Smackdown's response (elevate guys from the midcard to the title scene) is perfect. Breezango and Jinder Mahal in the title picture made no sense before Wrestlemania, but only happens on Smackdown.
"American Alpha defeated The Colóns."
While the AV Club's writing staff can afford fancy international keyboards with accents, the tag team is known as the Colons on the rest of the Internets. Someone at WWE needs to be fired for not bothering to type the script with a standard American keyboard.
She's been on fire since May 18, 2016, when she broke up Blake and Murphy.
Is there really a tag team called: "The Colons?"
Rusev got promoted? Cool.
In sum, Smackdown (Paul Heyman's B-show, and the B isn't a letter of the alphabet) got screwed by RAW, because Vince McMahon cannot admit that RAW flubbed booking and creative for the better part of a year and cannot stand the idea that another show might be more successful than his baby.
Any bets on which show gets Elias Samson?
My favorite Elias Samson moment was when he opened the NXT house show in Spokane last year. He came out with his guitar… then No Way Jose came out to beat him up! And, the entire crowd cheered No Way Jose with all our hearts and minds. Beating Elias Samson (or just getting…
It also looks like the Draft is coming next week. That’ll certainly be interesting. If you had your way, who would go where and why? Let me know in the comments.
" Now we are in a situation where they might feud with Heavy Machinery, and I might just fast forward through those matches."