The Bitterbitch

Not even just now, though. He went back and told his superiors what happened. He even asked for someone to buffer. It’s insane that they say he did nothing.

+1 perfect ending to a comment


You lived through lumps. But did you live through LUMPS?!

I feel for all the other actors in the show who won’t be getting those residual checks any more.

Wooow, that is some grade Z kinja trolling in that pic.

I bet if Cosby was 1. convicted 2. actually somehow was going to be put in prison for it he’d kill himself.

Just seems like that kind of guy.

Yeah just feel icky associating with anything related to him. Still appreciate the huxtables but can’t watch them.

OK, agreed, it’s not the same one, but your example is hilarious.

Here is my Theodore from when he was a little puppy (as opposed to the 90lb puppy he is today). He was all tuckered out from playing with the cat. He still does this.

Then you must be absolutely ADORABLE!

I’m curious if you’re thinking about the same one I’m thinking about: Andre “I did not feel it” Iguodala. Either way, please tell me, because I want to talk about it!

Hey, go ahead and shoot her an email just in case! I’m very eager to hear about this sportsball shade.

Damn. Sorry you were sent that. I think he meant BREASTS. Some of us have two. I hope bc dies in a dank prison too. Come at me, Devout.

Yeah, I saw and flagged that comment - I was hoping maybe there was a way they would have gotten rid of it before it got to you. I’m sorry you had to see that.

I’m sorry that you went through that and the bullshit you are going through with that idiotic response.

Wow BB, thats some shit right there. FYI, they are wrong.
And this is from a guy who grew up RELIGIOUSLY listening to “To Russel my brother, whom I slept with” (begs the question of what was Russels state during said sleep), on my dads HiFi and copying the mans dentist bit for a gradeschool talent show. He probably

People still defending Cosby, I see.

You are completely right, and NOT a Bitterbitch in this instance at all!

That was truly bizarre.