The Bitterbitch


Well she has been personally taking care of the opioid epidemic for the last few weeks...

I hope you’re right. I’m on tenterhooks, here! 😑

This one for you:

It’s true and exasperating. On the other hand, it wasn’t a good look for Anderson Cooper. Many moons ago Al Gore’s popularity took a nosedive when he rolled his eyes, sighed audibly, and was dismissive of George W. Bush during the debates. Especially for the interior of the country, seeing the highly-educated, liberal

Also I love you too.

I texted two friends, emailed one relative, and called my parents about it right after you sent me that. The world changed when I was asleep and was irrevocably different when I awoke and I FREAKING MISSED IT.

She is just insufferable in every way. I really wonder what the count is for screaming off cam once the interview is over with her. Her little “irrelevant” quip, reality itself does not matter to her.

I saw this in real time and about died. ANDERSON STOP BEING SO UNKIND

Seconding The Hate U Give! I was blown away that it was Angie Thomas’s first book - her writing is so fluid and natural. I couldn’t put it down either. Everyone should read it.

I think I’ve given it to every one of my friends as a birthday present over the last year.

Starred for Lamb. It recently popped up in my mind again when I realized that ‘biff’ is a word we use when someone tries to do something action-y but messes it up. I thought it was a little fitting.

my reaction exactly. we are fucking doomed

Not to mention that the Twitter apology he issued immediately after the show’s airing was so fucking disingenuous. He claimed that he thought he was “only saying what everyone already knew,” which is an explicit, outright lie, given the rhetoric Varner used just before demanding to know why Zeke hadn’t told anyone

Is it just me or does he seem to be really playing the victim here. And really from about a minute after he outed the guy he was “so sorry” and “so upset” that people were picking on him.


I don’t believe he was ignorant. I think he’s just cruel.


If I could post gifs from my phone, I would post the Oprah ‘you are absolutely right’ gif right here.

Yeah apparently he knew enough transmen to recognize mastectomy scars, but now enough to know what outing would mean. Seriously fuck this guy.