The Bitterbitch

Well, if you want to argue about the exact nature of the roles they played, I think it’s more accurate to say that the producers of Survivor allowed Jeff to out Zeke to a national audience.

And Mr. Smith is so right. This plays into the classic trope of LGBTQ people being villains. Doubly so since the guy who outed him says that he didn’t know he wasn’t out to everyone.

Especially since he lives in fucking NORTH CAROLINA! This was shot two months after HB2 became law.

living up to your name, Bitterbitch. Have an upvote +1

I don’t watch the show, but I have a really hard time believing he had zero knowledge of the social stigma the trans community faces as a gay man himself.

Especially if he is gay himself. Maybe its different in his town but where I live, the gay and trans communities are pretty seriously interlinked. Gay people (and their supporters) would have to be pretty clueless to not have at least a passing familiarity with the issues trans people face.

That’s such a large population. They do want to be ignorant. Pathetic.

I am currently in “fuck humanity, and especially fuck men” mode because I made the mistake of reading the comments on this news story on another site, which were absolutely full of “he should have just killed his ex instead of an innocent person” and “it’s obviously his ex’s fault for leaving him” and “his ex was

It shouldn’t have to be said, but I will say it anyway: If you voted for Trump because you “just didn’t like Hillary,” I will never fucking forgive you.

“That’s why her eyebrows are so big; they’re full of secrets.”

You would be surprised (maybe?) at how many people do. And they miss ALL THE BEST PARTS!

Exactly. I’ve worked at two big companies with HR departments and both times they were a joke. One never did anything about a bullying lying creative director that multiple people complained about, and the current one is just laughed at as a department that was recently established to facilitate a whole load of

That’s just it. My friends often say something to the sort, like having direct contact to someone’s ex’s , etc. And i don’t fail too add “well, then there’d be binders about us, too.”

In my binder, among the first entries: -Raining in everybody else’s parades

Honestly, or maybe this is just something I tell myself when I am annoyed with my husband, but many traits are both strengths and weaknesses. Like, my husband being Type A. I get annoyed with he is stomping around cleaning things, but I it also makes him extremely well-organized and a good counterbalance to me

Most people find it funny! I just hurt for him so much, though. (To provide a bit more context for calibration, I also found A Confederacy of Dunces super-depressing, another book most people find hilarious, for almost the same reasons. Ignatius J. Reilly is a tool, but he’s also a sad, sad person and I have a couple

And you just know the Lucy in your life is all set with sixty-plus spreadsheets...

Hey, feminists are the sexists.#sarcasm

There is a minor thread that runs through the “Wooster and Jeeves” comedy series (early 90s with Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry, almost all episodes available on YouTube, watch it now) where Jeeves belongs to a butlers’ club. As a condition of membership everyone has to record their employers’ peccadillos in a huge

The people who often suggest these binder type of things with flaws for other people are most likely those who think they have nothing wrong with themselves and have a pretty big blind spot when it comes to their own flaws.