The Bitterbitch

Was The Count of Monte Christo one of the three you read? What did you think of it?

Remember, you can’t spell “Who cares?” without HR.

Also, his show is more or less the flagship of the network. The women at Fox knew what was up. If they complained in-house best case they’d be ignored. Worst case they’d be out of a job.

Ah I see. Thanks for clarifying! Most of my fresh prince knowledge comes from the Intermittent Rants of Aunt Viv the First; I hardly watched the show despite it being v popular when I was growing up. I have massive holes in my pop culture knowledge due to a parental obsession with tv restrictions ;)

At this very moment, he’s making Michelle watch the part where Trump claims Obama will explode over and over and over. And laughing.

I was thinking the same as I was driving home from work listening to assholes press conference on NPR.

but how cakes are going to become fabulous??

When you rebrand yourself as Mr. No, it’s often hard to say yes to anything.

I mean, people got pretty creative about getting over the Berlin Wall in the beginning, ziplines and hot air balloons were some of the ingenious tactics used.

Where is David Hasselhoff when you need him?

Took the words out of my mouth! I also think it is so ironic that the icon of the recent Republicans, Ronnie Reagan, tore down that other wall or at least loved to take credit for it.

The very first thing the next president must do is make a big show of knocking this travesty down with a sledge hammer

I hear you. It’s oddly specific, but maybe Hannah was hoping for a splice to Jalopnik?

It ups the basic-ness level.

Cheer up, the house sounds amazing! And you don’t ever have to invite your shitty former faux-friends over.

I know everyone has different experiences with different airlines. I’ve never had a bad experience with Delta. United, OTOH...that airline can get fucked.

I flew Delta in my last visit to the US and it was totally fine! Also they have a fun security video. I don’t know, dude, maybe my national airlines (all two of them) just suck balls so American ones are also fine. Other than finding your seats much smaller (but I’m pretty small), it was fine.

Delta is actually my preferred domestic right now—what do you fly? United? There’s jet blue, but out of NYC the options are limited.

My dad’s job involves lots of business trips (but not to the point of being an absentee father or anything), and his office always flys Delta, so he’s been a frequent flyer with them for nearly two decades. When I was growing up, the family would occasionally tag along if he was going anywhere particularly enticing

I vastly prefer Delta to either American or United. At least Delta didn’t allow an unaccompanied minor to be molested ON BOARD their aircraft DURING A FLIGHT, looking at you, American Airlines. And United is OK with obviously distraught un-uniformed pilots having mental breakdowns on the intercom.