The Bitterbitch

I believe u too, I seriously can’t fucking understand what possesses dudes to think it’s ok.

Yeah I believe you.

I have IBS. It was finally diagnosed my last year of high school. (Fun fact, my parents didn’t believe that I’d stopped pooping until I ended up getting an MRI for abdominal pain. My surgeon father saw the scans and went, “I can’t believe you had such an expensive test to tell me something I already knew: that you’re

I’ve been pulling for an option that reads “obvious troll and/or ragemonster” I flag a lot of shit that doesn’t fit neatly into the categories of either harassment or hate speech, but is definitely hateful and uncivil.

For what it’s worth, I believe you.

In a society where ordinary-looking women get sexually harassed or assaulted, I can well believe a particularly beautiful one who dresses to please herself gets it constantly. This gets into the standard “Look at her, she’s asking for it” excuse and the whole business of men projecting desire onto women who do not

“Always Be My Baby”

My bestie and I got 5th row seats to see her in Las Vegas last year and it was everything I wanted and more!

I mean, the town Christmas lights went up last Monday, so you can throw on “All I Want for Christmas Is You”. Mariah would want it that way. Mariah owns Christmas.

Actually, it’s President Clinton if you’re nasty Donald...

I wanna be your best friend.

Unless these good cops are speaking out against the “bad apples” they are assholes.

No I think your situation is worse actually. Trump’s is just ridiculous

Hence the screen name.

Alas, I have but one star to give. Please tell me one of you four gave the toast?

My ex invited me to his actual wedding so I feel your pain.

That’s horrible!

No this was like that other girl at the wedding who really hated you so invited the brides ex-boyfriend and you kind of know the bride from work.

I hope that mutual friend read him the riot act for doing that. What an asswipe.