
So...GM just recalled 368,000 SUVs, due to rusty balls.

Ok everyone, this is what needs to happen:

Let me share a story with you:

Congrats! I’ve been posting for months and almost never get out of the pending comments. It’s discouraging.

Worst click bait ever!!!

I used to microwave super pretzels and spread cheese whiz on top. It was incredible.

Baby Boomers: Millenials are just terrible.

The one thing I remember about the PT Cruiser Crushing were the Youtube comments like “Such a waste of a car! That could have been donated to someone needy!”, and “It’s a crap car, but it could have gotten someone to work”, and blah blah blah. I was thinking of that when I read this:

Oh fuck me. This is the very particular brand of lower middle class white trash Ohio seems to grow like it’s the only thing our soil supports. From the hard slick back ponytails to the Midwestern mommy facebook outrager version of the “I want to talk to the manager, never mind lets beat some ass” haircut, Sams club

Look, an airbag isn’t going to save your ass if you get in an accident in one of these. If a Viper wants you dead, you dead.

My mother had one of these when I was about 14. Both of my parents worked and I was a latchkey kid. Often my dad would be out of town and mom would take his car and leave the Riviera in the garage while she was at work. During the summer, I would usually call a couple of my buddies in the neighborhood, swing by their

First off, NP. Pretty decent car for not allot of cash.

Worst forum shit storm ever seen? Easy. Go to any thread on Gawker or Jezebel, make a comment where you might appear to not be a left wing liberal nut job. You could tell them the sky is blue. However, if they even THINK you are a Republican (even if thats not the case), not only is the sky NOT blue, but you are an

If you give a mouse a cookie, he’s going to ask for a glass of milk.

Why do I love my car?

I can picture it alright, however each time I try to picture it I see a car that’s broken down in your driveway.

This looks like the kind of mistake I would want to make.