The Bill McNeal

I mean, Starkiller essentially did it in the force unleashed games before it was de-canonized, and that was with a star destroyer.

The supposedly final chapter in the Jurassic Park saga showed Warner Bros. how to conclude nobody cares about

I’ve been suggesting a Luis- hosted podcast since “Hawkeye,” just to cover the erroneous inclusion of Ant-Man at the Battle of New York in “Rogers”.

Sounds like a job for Alan Alda.

I just binge-watched Succession and it reminds me of something in the third season, where Willa’s play is so roundly despised that Connor suggests they lean into it and try to use the bad press to get people to go and hate-watch it and get a profit that way. (Sorry for the minor spoilers for those that haven’t watched

I just wish her character was remotely interesting.

Man if only there was an infamous movie about dangerous lions on a badly run preserve where people have to survive just the experience of visiting there at a bad time.  I know!  Jurassic Park!

I liked Tom Pelphrey in Iron Fist as well. But I also generally think he’s good in everything he’s in.

Maybe I haven’t seen her in anything recently, but is that really Millie Bobby Brown in the header photo? 

Apropos of nothing:

While I’m all for a Matt Murdock cameo in SheHulk it pails in significance to the confirmed Frog Man appearance.

This is the opportunity Don Swayze has been waiting for his whole life....... 

Yeah, the AV Club skipping out on reviewing Marvel movies is what will make the whole castle crumble.

Seems like half of formerly “legit” news sources now spend inordinate amounts of time broadcasting a bunch of random dipshits’ twitter hottakes and calling that a news article.”

Let me know when they find Wallace...... 

Accusing everyone who disagrees with you of acting in bad faith is one of the reasons that we can’t have nice things like a functioning democracy.  It’s not a good look, you’re not funny, and you’re not protecting anyone.  You’re just being a dick.  Please stop.

He’ll be stripped of about a dozen scholarships and will be banned from post-season play for 2 seasons

that our major beef with the Razzies is not so much their general mean-spiritedness, but the sheer lack of creativity with which they express it

This site in its current incarnation is really in no place to criticize anyone else for “hacky jokes”. Most of you guys still haven’t even figured out how to use sarcasm yet!

it’s cool when teams are named after some distinct local feature.